Chapter 1

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Louis on the side! So for the next few chapters I'll be putting the main characters on the side to give you a representation of how they'll look!

Also, the first chapter is doing really well, I'm shocked honestly. Like I didn't expect all those comments/votes and it got added to tons of reading lists.


Anyways, thanks for all that. And thanks for all of your sweet birthday wishes! Ya'll are so sweet! X

Thats all, haha. You can get back to reading now lol.


Louis woke up around eight in the morning on Monday; feeling quite tired and exhausted as he did. He hated mornings, (espically if it was Monday), but found this particular morning more annoying than usual.

He didn't really think much of it though, and instead just did his usual routine before walking into his kitchen and check all the cupboards and refrigerator to see if there was any food to eat.

There wasn't.

Louis rolled his eyes and silently scolded himself for allowing himself to splurge so much on alcohol and cigarettes. Thankfully though he wasn't really that hungry, and with luck of hopefully getting paid this week, Louis may actually be able to buy actual food and pay some bills that are way extened the due date.

He sighed and instead just poured himself a glass of water and called that his 'breakfast', and walked out of his house, not even bothering to lock the door because who would want to rob his house?

Maybe if the robbers where blind and a huge fan of fantasy movies, than maybe his house could be robbed, but since those robbers are a rare find these days, its safe to say that his house is safe.

Not like it has anything valuable to steal anyway,

Louis knew he would arrive to school late, (mostly because he woke up the exact hour is started), but he didn't even bother to pick up his pace because he reallh didn't have an excuse to be there on time. He only bothered to show up because usually gets a free lunch with the help of the school's feeding program, and he may have to steal a bit of food if he wanted to get through this week because pay day was Friday.

So with nothing else to do, Louis pratically frolicked and pranced his way to school; not even a single care in the world.

He arrived to school around ten; almost eleven which was good because luch was 12pm. He gazed around the halls, greeting the janitor with a smile and stopped at his locker-filling in the combination and taking out whatever books he needed for his english class that was about to start in half an hour.

He knew he shouldn't roam around the place when he was supposed to be in class, but he didn't really care if he got caught. So being the brave lad he was, he found a random hallway bench to sit on, and began going through a few of his notes to help pass the time.

Just as hes about half way through his little study session, he feels a very unwanted presence next to him.

"What Niall? Can't you see I'm studying?" Louis groaned at the sight of his friend; shaking the book in his hand to prove his point. "I see, but I'm skipping History and coincidentally, I ran into you whose also skipping History"

"I just arrived, thats my excuse. Whats yours?" Niall shrugged, "Its history, do we need a reason to skip?"

"Fair enough"

"Anyways-...why are you here so late? Did your maid not wake you up?" Niall asked as he chewed through his sandwhich-which Louis didn't even notice until right now-, not even caring the disgusted look Louis recieved.

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