New Assignment

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"Before I tell you this, I need both of you to know that this is highly classified information and that you are not to share this with anyone." I had never seen Leia so serious before. I knew this was important, whatever it was. We both nodded, understanding the wrath we'd have to endure if we were to disobey.

"Before I continue, Poe." She turned towards him and continued. "You have shown exemplary effort during this last mission. Because of this, I'm promoting you to commander." 

Poe's eyes widened and his mouth slightly gapped open. "I... I... thank you, General."

"Congratulations, Poe," I said.

"You no longer out rank me," Poe responded with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yeah, sure," I said as Leia laughed.

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, I'll carry on. I'm sure both of you know about my brother, Luke Skywalker. He's been missing for quite some time. However, a close friend of mine has recently contacted me saying he has found a piece of a map that will lead straight to him. Then, maybe, just maybe, he'll come back to help us." I saw a deep sadness in Leia's eyes. She didn't just want him to help with fighting the First Order, she missed him. "Poe will go to Jakku, talk to my contact, and get the map."

"What'll I do?" I asked. 

"I need you here." Leia said.

I was astonished. "What?"

"I'm sorry (Y/N), but I really do need you to stay." 

I was about to protest, when Poe squeezed my thigh under the table. "Let it go," he whispered calmly in my ear. His grip loosened and I slumped back in my chair. I didn't hear the rest of the conversation as I was too busy in my own head, thinking about why I wasn't going.


"You're gonna need me on this one," I said to Poe as we walked over to his X-Wing. He was in his pilot's uniform and I thought he looked particularly good in it.

"You're probably right, but don't fret, I'll be fine."

I shrugged. "I know, but I still worry." Poe pulled me into a hug, a sweet and long embrace. When we broke apart, I kissed him one last time before he departed. I held his hand as long as I could before I had to let go. Poe jumped into his x-wing, started her up, and flew off into the night. I watched him until he was out of sight and went inside to tell Leia that he was gone.  

The End

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