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I awoke to my head feeling foggy and the top of it pounding. It was was dark and my eyes hadn't adjusted yet. I knew my wrists were bound, as they were hung above my head in handcuffs and I was sitting up. 

When my eyes adapted to the dim light, I could see that I was in a small dungeon like room that had dirty floors and no furniture. Weapons and torture devises hung on the walls. I could see Poe still knocked out just a few feet away, his hands also bound. He had a large gash just above his right eye and bruises on his arms. It looked like he had put up one hell of a fight. 

Poe stirred a little, a small groan escaping from his lips. "Poe. Poe!" I yelled to try and wake him up. His eyes opened. "(Y/N)? Is that you?"

"Yeah. It's me. Are you okay?"

"My eye's killing me, but otherwise, I'm fine. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he asked with a worried tone. 

"I'm fine, they just hit me on the head," I responded. 

Before we could say anything else to each other, a door opened. An ominous figure stood in the archway. He had a buzz cut and a foreboding stance. The officer was accompanied by two guards. His gaze was fixed on Poe. 

"Bring me that one. Leave the other," he commanded. One of the guards removed Poe's restraints and shoved him towards the door. 

I started to say something, but the officer slapped me across the face. This provoked Poe and he started towards the man, but was met with a punch in the gut and forced out the door.  


I was almost free. I had been working on the cuffs for what seemed like days even though it had only just been a few minutes. They were about to come undone, when the door burst open. A beaten and tattered Poe was pushed inside. It closed with a whir and we were alone.  

He fell down. What had they done to him? He looked awful, new bruises and cuts covered what you could see of his skin and the cut on his eye had grown larger. 

My cuffs burst off and I got up and ran to him. "Poe. What did they do to you?" I cushioned his head in my lap and stroked a piece of hair away from his face. 

His eyes opened and he winced in pain. "Don't move," I said. "You're badly hurt. Moving might cause more damage." He looked up at me with that entrancing stare. "How did you get out of the cuffs?" he asked, weakly. I smiled. "You have your secrets, and I have mine."

Flyboy: Poe DameronWhere stories live. Discover now