Mission Briefing

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I strode onto the bridge of Resistance command where frantic people were scurrying about shouting orders at each other and brightly lit panels beeped loudly. I could cut the tension with a knife, if I wanted to. In the middle of the commotion was General Leia Organa, my mentor and closest ally. She glanced up as I went over to her.

"I'm here General, as requested."

"Thank goodness," said Leia. "I have a very important mission for you. I think you'll like it. It'll be dangerous, just your forte."

I smiled as that was defiantly a compliment. "Give me the run down."

Leia pulled up a hologram of a planet. "This is Kessel. I assume you're familiar with it?" Leia asked. I nodded. I had heard pilots tell stories about it and the spice mines that were located there. Powered by slave labor, it was not a place I particularly wanted to visit.

Leia zoomed in on a large fortress on the planet's surface. "This is the First Order base on Kessel. It has valuable information about the schematics of our new bombers. If they study it, they will find out how to destroy them and our fleet will be in great peril. It is your job to retrieve the information and bring the datapad with the intel back to base."

"Doesn't sound too hard. I think I can handle it," I said. 

I was turning to leave when Leia called out, "I'm not done yet. I'm assigning you an extra person on this mission because the First Order ship you will be using needs a co-pilot."

I looked at her and scoffed. "You can't be serious. I do missions for you all the time and I've never had any trouble being completely on my own. I can pilot the ship myself, I'm sure." Leia shook her head. "I'm sorry (Y/N), but it's my final word. I've already picked out who will accompany you."

"Who is it?" I asked with a sense of dread in my voice.

"His name is Poe Dameron. He's a very good pilot and just recently got promoted to captain. I'm sure you've heard of him before."

"Oh, I definitely have," I said with a small eye roll. I'd heard of him all right, the stories of wild Poe Dameron, a trigger happy flyboy who got results, but with consequences.

Leia said that Poe was waiting for me down in the landing bay next to the stolen ship we'd be using and I made my way down to go meet my new partner.

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