Actual Ryleigh quickly runs up, confusing the coach. "Sorry, Coach, I'll be at practice today." She leads her evil twin away who smirks. She leads her into an empty classroom, closing the door. "It's time for you to go. Which means no more pissing Sarah off and getting me slapped" Evil Ryleigh scoffs.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Ryleigh. I still have this" Ryleigh shows the picture that created the twin in the first place. "I can still fight you for it" Ryleigh tackles the twin and they both start fighting. "I'm not gonna let you ruin my relationship" Ryleigh grunts. "We both know I'm gonna get Sarah before you. I'm the more confident one. You don't even have the guts to ask her out" Evil Ryleigh says, pushing her at a desk.

"I'm working on it" Ryleigh defends herself slamming her twin into the whiteboard. Ethan quickly runs in. "Ryleigh, we need the picture!" "I'm working on it!" Ryleigh calls out, continuing to fight with the twin. "Hey, fake Ryleigh!" Both Ryleigh's look at him. "Uh...I bet you can't even flirt!" "Like you have any room to talk" evil Ryleigh argues and Ryleigh quickly snatches the picture.

"I've got it. Ethan" Ryleigh goes to give him the picture but Ryleigh grabs her, pulling out a gun. "Where did you get that?" "Oh, gosh" Ethan and Ryleigh panic. "I'm smarter than you think. Now, slowly give me the picture and I'll consider not shooting you" Before she can, Sarah vamp speeds in, knocking her out. "I won't be going anywhere with you!"

Ryleigh quickly grabs the picture, throwing it into the classroom sink and running the water. The evil twin disappears and they all sigh in relief. "Is that all of them?" "Yeah." Sarah sighs out. "Good. Because I was a real bitch" Ryleigh scoffs, shaking her head.


Ryleigh 1st person POV

"Good idea! My boyfriend loves movies. See you later, Ethan" We hear Hannah say to Ethan as Benny, Sarah and I approach. Ethan frowns after her. "Boyfriend? That rots, dude. At least I got my camera back. That means Grandma won't spank me- with lightning." Benny quickly walks away.

"So Hannah never had a crush on me; she was just really nice." Ethan sighs. "Yeah, that can happen too." Sarah nods. "'re saying that a girl can either be nice to you or mean to you when she likes you, or maybe she doesn't like you, and she's just really nice?" Ethan asks confused. "Yeah, that's about right." Sarah nods.

"Welcome to girls, E. They're complicated" I smile patting his shoulder. "That's such a mind bender." Ethan sighs. "Guys! Evil Benny and Ryleigh rented go-carts. Come on!" Benny says. "I'm over it. Later!" Ethan and Benny rush off and Sarah watches after them. "You're welcome!" She calls out but they ignore her, checking out the go-carts.

"I'm sorry about evil me. She was probably really mean to you if you slapped me" I sigh. "Tell me about it." "Yeah, still stings a little" I rub my cheek and Sarah rolls her eyes. "Sorry. I didn't know about the whole evil twin things" Sarah scoffs. "I could tell. You seemed really angry. What did I even say?"

"You said something about you and Benny leaving and if I really had feelings for you, I should leave with you and then you flirted with other girls right in front of me" Sarah explains. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous" I wiggle my eyebrows. "Don't make me slap you again" I laugh, holding my hands up in surrender. "I'd never say any of that to you, okay? If you have feelings for me...great, awesome, really great actually. If you don't, then okay. You don't have to"

"Don't be stupid. Of course I like you, dork." Sarah pulls me closer, kissing me and I smile into the kiss. "Like my new jacket? Snagged it off of my evil twin." I motion to my new leather jacket. "Looks really good on you. Now you can look hot and be a geek at the same time" "I didn't look hot before?" "Not as hot as you look now" Sarah admits and I fist pump.

Sarah rolls her eyes. "Go get on your go-cart. I know you want to" Sarah shoos me off. "You're right. One more thing though...who's Alyssa?" I hold up my phone which had a text from an Alyssa and Sarah chuckles. "You should ask your evil twin" Sarah starts walking away. "But we made her disappear!" I call after her. "Not my problem!"


I sit in front of my computer, typing things into my computer while Ethan, Rory and Benny sit on my bed, playing a card game. "Are you sure you don't want to play right now Ryleigh? If anyone were to make Benny lose his winning streak, it would be you" Ethan sighs out. "I was close to beating him the last two rounds!" Rory exclaims.

"Rory, you've gotten last every time!" "And?" I roll my eyes at their argument while Benny laughs evilly. "Give me a minute" I sigh. Snowball puts his head in my lap, nuzzling against my leg. "Can someone take Snowball out for me?" "Not it!" Ethan and Benny quickly put their finger on their nose.

"Not Rory" I quickly say and Rory fist pumps. "I'll do it" Ethan sighs. He grabs Snowball's leash and Snowball perks up, following Ethan. "What are you doing anyways?" Benny peaks over my shoulder. "Marcus James?" Benny looks at me confused. "I was digging through my drawers the other day and saw a note with just that name" I explain.

"Is it your dad?" Benny asks. I click on a website and we both skim through it as it talks about the killing of Lauren James. "I think so" I nod. As I read over the story of how my mom was killed, I start to reread it. " 'Lauren was found with bite marks on her wrist'?" Benny reads. "And on her neck" Ryleigh breathes out.

"Woah, your dad was a vampire?" Rory asks, moving to read as well. " 'The only thing found of Marcus' was half a picture'." We scroll down, looking at the picture of my mom, the other half missing. I gasp as I look it over. "Woah, she looks a lot like you" Rory brings up. "Why don't I have this picture?" I wonder. "Maybe they used it for evidence and kept it" Benny suggests.

"Or Wendy has it" I bring up. Ethan comes back in, noticing us all looking at the computer. "What's happening?" "We need to talk to my aunt" I tell him, standing up. I head downstairs and the others follow. "Hey, guys. Want any snacks? I was just about to head to the store" "Wendy, we need to talk to you" "Oh..." "What did you know about my dad?" I ask.

"Um..." "Please, don't lie" I plead. She looks back at the other three. "Let's take this to the living room." Wendy leads us to the couches and we all sit, sharing a look while she sits across from us. "I remember first meeting your father at Thanksgiving. Your mom brought him with her. He seemed like a gentlemen at first, helping our mom serve dinner, even washing the dishes afterwards"

"But, after a little bit, he started to change. According to Lauren, he'd leave the house a lot at night, only to return with new clothes. She thought he was sleeping around. She was too afraid to say anything though because she knew he got aggressive. She didn't let me in for a while but as things got worse, she started to fear him. After she had you, she knew she had to get you away from him."

"She wrote you the letter when she knew she lost. I was too late. He...he killed her the day I was supposed to come and get you. When I arrived, Marcus and his stuff were nowhere to be seen and you were layed in your baby swing, sleeping peacefully" Wendy explains, her voice cracking at the end. I wipe my eyes as the other three try to comfort me. "Here. I've kept this for a while. But, I think you need it more" She hands me the same picture we saw on the computer and I slowly take it from her, looking over the faded picture. "Thank you" I smile, looking it over.

Dusk Till Dawn - Sarah FoxWhere stories live. Discover now