"They.. s-seem friendly."  Tripp muttered softly. It's not like any of them would eat him. He hoped.

Kyle just gave a light slap to the young man's shoulder, letting out a small laugh. "We're very well known for our warm hospitality. If we don't shoot shoot first. C'mon, I'll introduce you to the rest of the crew. You have to know who your dealing with here. No surprises here."
The captain spun around in his chair, letting it turn a full circle, and presses the mic button. "All crew members to the 'Nest' stat for a roll call!"

A few minutes after the announcement, the small crew was lined up beside one another by the captain's chair.
One by one, Kyle introduced them to Tripp. Each was different in their own interesting ways. Each wearing matching cargo pants and armored dark green or white shirts with the same red and yellow stripe to the side and the K-Force logo stamped on the other side. That seemed to be their uniform, although it seemed as though the team could easily get away with wearing casual.
Besides Fedrick and the odd creature Nothang, who Tripp was already familiar with, the others seemed normal. To a certain degree. Not that he was entirely normal.

"This is my scientist computer nerd who does all my dissecting and diagnostics concerning planets and enemy lines." The captain explains, "His name is Alamo Wrench. Fitting name since he invents random stuff that has no use but comes in handy after a while. He's saved our skins numerous times. He's been a part of my crew for the past decade and a half. "

Not that Tripp could remember what most or any human would look like, but this Alamo Wrench was definitely different looking than Kyle. Short, his weight was pretty plump, he had very thin, scraggly red hair that needed a conditioner desperately. He wore these magnification glasses that made one eye super close and the other eye really small and beady. And he smelled like corn chips...
Alamo grabbed a hold of Tripp's hand and shook it vigorously as he speaks in a deep, nasal voice, "Welcome to the crew, my boy! You're gonna fit in just fine! Just call me Al. Always nice to have a new face around here."

Tripp grins gently and nods, glad to get his hand released, as he followed the captain to the next crewman. The next one looked very human. Except for the bright yellow skin, the royal blue hair and the oddest orange eyes Tripp has ever looked upon. Again, this one too grabbed his hand and shook it. His voice and actions seemed normal. Why was everyone grabbing his hand?

"Man, you're about as ugly as the captain! Name's Snax Boid. But Snax is fine by me."

The captain gives Snax a certain look of a warning smile, "Well if everyone looked as beautiful as you, Snax, we'd all be colorblind."

Fedrick, standing there beside Snax, had started to snicker, mumbling his thoughts at the conversation, "Or just blind in general.."

Snax practically gasped outlook as he turns to the big guy immediately and starting barking words, "You have no say in this! You're as ugly as the entrails that gave birth to you!"


Suddenly, Tripp was yanked away by the captain from the fist fight that erupted. Now neither of them will be beautiful.
Tripp looked at Kyle with slight worry in his eyes, "Shouldn't we stop them?!"
Obviously you shouldn't mess with a large person in the room. And there as no denying that the big person was Fedrick. If he sneezed hard enough, he'd be a walking canon.

"Are you nuts? Ha, you learn quickly to stay out stupidity. It's an easy thing to catch." The captain explained.
At least that's all Tripp heard before a pair of arms went around him and yanked him away into a smothering hug.
When Tripp finally got his head loose to breathe, a thick accent surrounded his eardrums.
"Oh he'sa so cute, Captain! I coo' just love 'em and squeeze 'em til he pops!"

Tripp struggled to break free of what entrapped him, which was apparently two breasts which was each much bigger than his head. He much preferred the hand shaking!! This lovable woman was about five and a half feet tall, smooth gray skin, dark violet hair that was placed in two pigtails. She was definitely had as much love to match the weight she carried around.
Tripp, still struggling to escape her grip, suddenly hears another female voice but this one was sweeter and much easier to understand.
"Helgala, drop the boy, or there'll be nothing left of him!"

Helgala drops Tripp on the floor, and as he gasps for breath, he looks up and sees another woman, possibly in her early thirty's, same age as the captain appeared to be. She, like the captain, was all human herself.
Thank goodness!
Dark brunette hair that reached down to her shoulder, although braided for now. Her eyes were a dark hazel. Tall, slender, fit. She was definitely more clean cut than the rest of the crew.
The woman laughed as she grabbed Tripp by the arm and helped him up to his feet. "You poor boy, thrown in the mist of these people. My sorrowful excuse of a husband oughta know better."

"Y-You're Captain Kyle's wife? My apologies, but I must say that.. I find much relief in knowing that, Miss Captain." Tripp says bashfully, still a bit lightheaded from being squeezed.

The woman laughs a little harder, "Well, Kyle certainly knows how to pick them, huh? I'm Paris. And obviously my last name is Darius. Everyone here calls me Paris, so please feel free to do the same. No need for the formality."

Tripp nods, thinking that he's glad that the captain has someone normal on this ship. Everyone seemed really nice so far. Very touchy though.
His thoughts are suddenly interrupted when a large Thump followed by a loud crash, happened behind him.
Tripp and Paris quickly looked to see what it was, and apparently all the men, including the captain, started to wrestle like they were thrown in the boxing ring.
The captain miraculously body slams Fedrick on top of Snax, with Nothang running around them, chanting something. Al, the non-fighter, ran the other direction, hoping not to get squished.

Paris shook her head and huffed softly, "Men.. worse excuse of an unfinished creation. Alright, that's enough of that, neanderthals! I'm gonna count to three and you better hope I don't get there!"

Immediately, somehow over all the noise, the men heard her and stopped wrestling. All of them straighten out their clothes, acting like it never happened.
"Honey Bunches, I was just showing the boys whose still in charge around here. They'll run rampant if I don't." Kyle playfully tries to explain as he fixes his scuffed up hair.

Paris huffs once more, her ha.ds now placed on her hips, "You're gonna break something is what's gonna happen! You have a new guest, we want him not to pick up bad behaviors. Which happens too quickly, if you ask me.."

"Yes honey.." Kyle says submissively, although not helping but to smile. He then turned to the rest of the crew, huffing quietly, "Alright men, you heard her, man your stations! We've got a score to collect and unfortunately grocery shopping for ship parts. Set coordinates to Galax Moon Port."

"Aye Captain!" The crew shouts in unison as they jump into their stations.

Kyle places his hand on Tripp's head, rubbing it to fluff up his hair some, "See kid? We ain't that scary. You'll get used to it. It won't take long for you to settle in. Once you do, this place will feel like home."

Tripp smiled at him, but in his mind all he could think of was how Kyle told Tripp he wanted to see how long he would last with them. He wasn't talking about the battles or the missions. He was talking about surviving the crew!

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