The Gryffindor Girls Dormitory

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Pansy had agreed to walk Hermione back to her dorm.

They held hands as they walked through the portrait. Harry was sitting on a chair with Neville and Dean around him on their own chairs.

They turned their heads when the girl's walked in.

'Is that a Slytherin?' Neville whispered to Dean.

'Why's Parkinson in here?' Harry asked, raising a eyebrow.

'Are you's still working on the potions assignment?' Dean asked, turning back to what they were doing, which the girl's now realised they were building a card tower. 'It's a bit late, you know.'

'No, she's just walking me back,' Hermione said, fluttering her eyelashes at Pansy. 'Is there a problem with that.'

'No, no.' Harry said, also turning back to the card tower.

Neville and Dean continued to build the cards up, Harry on the other hand watched the girl's go up to the girl's dormitory, holding hands and smiling.

'Atleast their friends,' Pansy heard Dean say. 'It would be a lot worse if they hated each other.'

Hermione sat down on her bed, taking off her shoes. Pansy looked around to see the other girl's were starring at her. Of crouse they were, she's a Slytherin in a Gryffindor dormitory. Lavender and Parvati starred at her with a disgusted look. A girl with the most curly hair Pansy had ever seen, flipped her blonde hair and starred at Pansy, clearly confused as to why she was there. Four girl's starred at Pansy, always with a scared look at her. But being Pansy, she just strut over to Hermione and sat next to her, not at all anxious or scared that everyone was starring at her.

She sat with Hermione for a few hours, just talking until Hermione decided it was getting way too late and so Pansy went back to her own dormitory, not before giving Hermione a quick kiss.

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