A Perfect Trio (Part 1)

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I haven't been working on this story for so long and now I'm back. I've just had a lot going on so most of the parts will be short. Hope you enjoy.

(Hermione's POV)

'Ron, wake up! Wake up!' I yelled as I repeatedly hit Ron with a pillow. 'We're going to be late! For Merlin's sake, wake up!'

'Alright, alright! I'm awake!' He yelled, pushing away the pillow and standing up. He frowned at me and then turned to look at Harry, who was sitting on the edge of his own bed, reading. 'You just let her do that?' He said, pushing me aside and walking over to Harry.

'Oi!' I yelled, jumping onto his back and laughing.

Harry shut his book and laughed as Ron tried to get me off his back, whilst yelling.

Once I finally let go and fell onto the floor, we all broke out laughing.

'Seriously, 'Mione?' Ron said, his laughter dying out but the smile still branded on his face.

Before I could answer, Dean was leaning against the door frame.

'Good job waking him up, Hermione. If it weren't for you he probably would have been asleep until dinner.' Dean chuckled, walking over to me and holding out his hand, pulling me up.

'Hey!' Ron said. 'I like my sleep, alright!'

'Yeah, we can tell.' Harry finally spoke.

We laughed for a minute until I spoke again:

'Well, let's get going. Don't want to be late, and I didn't spend seven minutes hitting you with a pillow for nothing.'

Dean nodded and left, whilst Ron and I waited for Harry to put away his book.

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