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                                   Dedicated to Nelonwa775

Olamide , Damola and other SS2 boys  were on the school's green field. The auditions for the football team . Damola had induced Ola into it.  Some junior students and SS2 students stayed to watch . The SS3 students were stuck in evening lessons.  One main reason why the board had permitted only the SS2 class to play. The SS3 would be too busy with exams and their books. They were all waiting for Coach Bayo.

Few minutes later, Coach Bayo finally showed, dressed like a coach. Actually, that was how he normally dressed to school. He was also a  ex- football coach for a british Montessori School in town ____ that was how he got his name, Coach Bayo.

"I hope y'all excited," Coach Bayo said , then a positive bass replies from the boys , mixed up with shrill voices from the girls and junior students came up.

"Ok..............," Coach Bayo proceeded, "take off your shirts. We don't want them to get stained and give our mothers stress. I know a lot of you here still have our moms doing our dirty laundries ," Coach Bayo stated grinning.

"People like Damola," Seyi mentioned .

Damola cast him a glare.

Ola took of his shirt and saw that Damola hadn't done so. He wondered why.
"Guy ,  how far now? Don't tell me you are ashamed to take off your shirts in front of all this people,"

Damola didn't respond, he just looked rather confused.

"Guy, I hope you haven't forgotten that we are boys . We've got nothing to be ashamed of except from our 6- packs you," Olamide said jokingly.

Damola's face brightened up, "I swear,"

Damola buttoned down his white shirt and pulled it off   ,   now showing only his white singlet on him.

Ola's eyes quickly got sight of some red marks on Damola's back. It looked as if they had whipped his back. Ola knew what it was.

"Your dad is still at home, huh?" Ola asked in a low tone still staring at Damola's back.

"Huh?" Damola was lost

"Your back,"

"Ohh..... ," Damola realized . "Is it that bad?" Damola asked Ola.

"To be honest, yes. Anyways how is your mom?" Ola asked about Mrs. Akinbode, Damola's mom.

"Fine," Damola replied and wore his shirt unbuttoned,  at least it covered the marks on his back  . He didn't want anyone asking him questions, he couldn't give answers to.

Coach Bayo divided the boys into two equal team. Damola and Ola were in the same team while Seyi was in the opposing team, no shock there.

Coach Bayo blew his whistle then the game started.  Everyone watched as they played  and cheered them up while Coach Bayo observed vigilantly for the best 11 players.

Fega had just came out of the School's Library. She mostly spent her time there  before her Uncle Efe arrived to pick her up nowadays .

Fega was so frustrated when she came out of the library. Sharon was there and it was pretty obvious she was talking about Fega to her friends. Almost all the time, Sharon and her friends would glance towards Fega and start grinning widely. Fega was fed up, so she went to the Library.

Fega met with the large crowd that gathered around the field. Fega was curious. Was a teacher flogging a student? Fega asked herself because normally this kind of crowd only showed up when that happens. Was it that they loved looking at people being flogged ? Or maybe there was nothing exciting that actually happens in Shae Secondary School.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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