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Leighton sat in the passenger seat of Trent's jeep with Jude in the back still getting over the shock of the current situation he was in.

"Just right here." Leighton directed the boy driving to the driveway of her house. She used the app on her phone to open the gates allowing Trent to drive inside. "I'll be back in a second."

"Not doing a runner then?" Trent joked.

"Definitely not." She assured him before she and Jude got out and closed their doors walking inside the house for a moment.

"I can't believe you're leaving me here to go out with Trent Alexander-Arnold." Jude crossed his arms as the front door closed pretending to look mad.

"Well I'm not taking you with me." Leighton smiled as she playfully ruffled his hair. "I'll be back soon."

"Have fun. But not too much fun." Jude told her.

"Shut up." Leighton called out as she opened the front door once again, this time to leave the house and walked back to the car in the driveway.

"You came back." Trent said kind of surprised. He genuinely thought she would use the excuse of dropping her brother home to get out of this.

"Of course I did." Leighton smile as she put her seatbelt back on and relaxed into her seat. "So where we going?"

"You'll have to wait and see." Trent told her as he put the car into drive and left the driveway.

The pair began to converse during their trip through the city of Liverpool. After getting to know each other for the last 15 minutes, the Bluetooth on the footballer's car began to ring with the name Curtis appearing on the screen.

"Hello?" Trent spoke as he answered the phone.

"Hey, mate. Where are you?" Curtis Jones' voice came through the speaker.

"Oh shit. I completely forgot Curtis. Just go ahead without me." Trent assured his friend.

"Where are you?"  Curtis asked wondering why his friend hadn't turned up to play FIFA with a few of the boys.

"Just out." Trent replied as a smile formed on Leighton's face as the footballer glanced over at her.

"Out on your own or?" Curtis pressed for further information but Trent wasn't giving in that easy.

"I'll talk to you later Curtis." The defender spoke as he got ready to hang up.

"But-." Trent cut the midfielder off by hitting the decline button on the steering wheel.

"Friend?" Leighton wondered glancing over at the footballer next to her.

"Yeh. We play together at Liverpool." Trent explained.

"So, where are we going?" Leighton asked feeling impatient.

"You'll just have to wait and see." Trent said with a smile as he continued to drive through the lit up streets of Liverpool.


Due to the coldness outside, the pair opted for hot chocolate in Trent's jeep under the dark sky as light snow flakes began to fall from the Liverpool sky.

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