To be honest though I don't even know why I chose to stay here, I could have left court with Trevor and live a normal life but my gut said no, maybe I'm still hoping that Lissa would return to me one day but I know that's impossible, she's never coming back, maybe I'll see her again in a different life but I know that won't be soon.

"So why did you summon us?" Dimitri asked "Queen Vasilissa Rhea Dragomir- Ozera has forfeited the crown, she placed me as her successor, the coronation will be in 2 weeks." I said and Rose dropped her glass "SHE DID WHAT?" Rose yelled and I bit my bottom lip "Do you know where she is? I want to talk to her now! She can;t just forfeit the crown and not say anything about it!" I sighed and said "I don't know where she is, I tried to call Jill but she's not answering her phone."

"Jill left with Eddie 3 years ago even Adrian and Mason don't know where they are." I said and Rose leaned back on her chair stressed, silently crying and Dimitri held her in his arms while Mia stared at her hands. "Lord Ozera, I'm sorry to interrupt but you are requested at the meeting room." Igna said and I sighed "Tell them I'm cancelling the meeting, move it to tomorrow afternoon instead." Igna nodded his head and we sat in complete silence.

After a few minutes Rose stood up and said "I gotta go, I have a meeting in 3 hours." I hugged her and Dimitri before letting them leave and once the door was closed Mia looked at me and said "Take me to her." I nodded my head and I told my guardians to leave me and Mia alone. Mia and I walked 30 minutes into the forest and I unlocked the gate to the tomb vault. We went in and I locked the gates. "Is this really the right decision?" Mia asked lighting up the candles and I stood in front of the stone table running my hands through the table, feeling every detail of the engravement "Rose can never know, no one can never know except us." I said


Where do I begin? How can I justify myself for the actions I have done? The actions that I did that have hurt the people that I love? There's no justification for the pain I have caused. Maybe Viktor Dashkov is right, maybe I am not fit to be Queen, but at least I did something good before taking my last breath. I never wanted things to end this way but this must have been God's plan all along. London Institute served me well, it gave me a clearer perspective in my life. It healed me and gave me the peace I've been yearning for all my life.

You're also probably wondering did I come back after therapy? Yes, I did. Christian was so happy when I came back, I was happy, but some things aren't just meant to be. Christian wanted a child with me but I couldn't give it to him, I couldn't conceive one due to the cysts in my ovaries. It shattered his heart and I felt like I failed to be a wife for him, so I left again. I left without saying anything to our friends or to the council. I simply left a note "You deserve better." I stayed in London again, until Alexander came asking me to come back.

So I did, I left London again and went back to Portland 2 weeks after Alexander visited me, he even picked me up from the airport with his 4 years old daughter Diana. The drive back to court was smooth, until a deer came out of nowhere causing the car to fall off the cliff.

We were rushed to the hospital and while I was awake I begged the doctors to only call Christian Ozera and Mia Rinaldi. Yes, I was in the car accident as well. The doctors did everything they could to help Alexander and Diana but they were too far gone. Mia was devastated. I was devastated, if only I didn't come back. Alexander and Diana would still be alive and Mia could have gotten the happy ending she has always desired.

I remained at the hospital for 2 weeks until Rose came to the emergency room, an accident happened in work and her organs were slowly shutting down. Abe and Tasha couldn't save her in time since they were in Turkey, but then the doctors came saying I have a bleed in my brain and that I need another surgery, in that moment I knew that I won't make it out of that operation room alive, so I talked to my doctors that if I don't make it out, I want them to collect my organs and give it to Rose.

I talked to the head of the council Mrs. Conta about my decisions and what I want to happen in case I die and she respected my wishes. I spent every minute with Christian who's heart I broke again. Operation day came and the doctors operated on my brain, they tried to stop the bleed but I was already too far gone. They harvested my organs and gave it to Rose, it was an anonymous donor, if Rose knew I was the donor she would never accept it and she would never recover from my death.

Christian and Mia gave me a private funeral, here they are now running their hands through my gravestone. I miss them badly, I miss everyone, but what matters is Rose got the happy ending she has always wanted, I did something good in my life, the monarchy will thrive without me, Christian would do what is right and what is best for everyone, "I miss you my love." Christian said and I placed my hand on top of his even though he won't feel it "I miss you more."

One day my Christian, you and I would have the happy ending we deserve, but for now the monarchy needs you and our friends need you, you won't be alone. I promise you that, I would be with you every single step you make. I may be gone physically but I won't be gone spiritually, I would wait for you in the paradise I have made for us in my mind waiting for you until you come. 


Hello everyone! This is where the story ends. Thank you all so much for the love and support you have given the book, I am thankful and glad that you guys enjoyed it. 

Exciting news! I just published a new book, it is an original and it's called: 

The Art of Love

Amelia has never experienced falling in love, how could she though? All she does is study and look after other people, falling in love isn't a part of her schedule. But then, time passes by and she meets someone, someone who has completely shocked her world, someone who would show her different arts of love. 

Please check it out, you can find it in my profile, and I hope to see you guys there as well!

This would be the last #romitri story that I would ever write. I think its time that I publish my own book here in Wattpad and I hope you guys would still support me even though its not a  #romitri or vampire academy story. 

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