Mission Accomplish

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Rose POV 

"Comrade I'm tired." I said trying to catch my breath Dimitri ignored me and just sat on the bench I sighed and sat on the gym floor. Dimitri and I have been training for 2 hours and I think his mad or upset because when he asked me to marry him, I just stared at him and said I forgot something at Lissa's dorm. I didn't know what to reply to his question it was all of a sudden and I don't know, I guess I'm not yet ready. After 10 minutes Dimitri and I started to train again in complete silence. "Belikov, Hathaway. Queen Tatiana wants to see you both in the meeting room,now." Alto said I wiped off the sweat on my face and body and drank some water. I changed my t shirt and followed Dimitri and Alto. "Why does she wants to see us?" I asked "No idea." Alto said "Maybe she'll give us some news about the mission in Germany?" Dimitri scoffed and said "At least we're getting answers." I rolled my eyes and saw Lissa and Christian I decided to walk with them and Lissa frowned "Trouble in paradise?" I nodded my head yes and she just place a hand on my shoulder. 

Queen Tatiana POV 

"So why are we here?" Tasha asked I took a box and placed the papers on the table "Holy shit! " Christian said "Language" I said "Letters of Ivory?" Rose asked I nodded my head and said "Not just letters, they also found notes and witch crafts." Rose stared at it and she seems surprise "Hill Castle was also raided and we were able to salvage some Moroi history." I said Rose frowned and said "I thought Hill Castle was like occupied by someone else." I nodded my head and said "It was occupied by dead strigoi's. Go later to the archive room so that you can see what we were able to salvage." Rose smiled at me and read the papers. 

"So whats gonna happen to these?" Christian asked "Well, I am planning to turn Hill Castle into a palace full of Moroi histories, I'm also planning to name Rose, Christian and Tasha as the founders of Hill Castle." I said "SERIOUSLY??" Tasha shrieked I chuckled and nodded my head yes "We didn't found Hill Castle though." Rose said "Actually you did. Hill Castle was abandoned when Queen Helena died, no one has visited it until the three of you did." I said "Wow. I'm surprised the guardians found it, the old village and Hill Castle was really hidden." Tasha said "True it took them days to find it. After graduation all of us will be going there, they didn't touch anything else, so the old village still looks old, everything was preserved." I said "Hmm that village can be a history cite for the Moroi's and Dhampir's." Lissa said I smiled at her and said "It can be if, Rose, Christian and Tasha allows it." the three of them frowned and I gave each one of them an envelope "The old village and Hill Castle was first named to me, but, I thought it will be unfair if it was named to me since I didn't do any hard works. All of the stuffs we were able to salvage was because of the three of you." I said "And, I'm proud." they smiled at me and I took them to the archive room. 

They explored the room and Dimitri stayed still on one wall I frowned and walked towards him "Shouldn't you be celebrating this with Rose?" I asked "We're not okay." Dimitri answered I raised and eyebrow and he sighed "I asked her to marry me and she didn't give me an answer, she just left." I stared at Rose and she's looking at Queen Helena's old crown with Tasha. "Maybe she was shock or you know maybe she needs time to process stuffs, she's still processing  stuffs with her parents." I said Dimitri shrugged and stared at Rose as well I smiled and rubbed his back "You two will figure it out, you always do." I left him standing on the corner and joined Lissa and Christian. 

After a few minutes I decided to join Rose and Tasha since I know they have facts to tell me as well I smiled at them and while they tell me stuffs they know I look at Dimitri and he is roaming around the room with Ivan and Viktoria, he gave me a small smile and I nodded my head at him. 

Mason POV 

"I'll be back I just need to get hot sauce." Adrian said leaving the cafeteria table I sighed and began to eat my burrito "Hey." I almost choke on my food and Avery chuckled she sat in front of me and I look around and saw Adrian grinning at me and he's with Sydney "So...hi?" Avery asked I stared at her and she frowned "Do i have something on my face?" I widen my eyes and quickly shook my head no "No...y-you don't...your face is perfect." she blushed and I looked away Fuck! "Uhh I'm Mason I guess?" I said Avery laughed and said "I guess? You're not sure if your name is Mason?" I sighed and scratched my head. "So that's why Adrian offered to pay for my lunch." I mumbled "Sydney did my laundries just for me to go in this.....date." Avery said I looked at her and she's blushing. "So how's your buffalo burrito?" Avery asked "Good I like it,  uhh yours?" I look at her plate and she's eating a chicken teriyaki burrito "Its good, sweet I like it." she took a bite and I smiled "Now you have something on your face." I said wiping it with a tissue she smiled at me and then we started a normal conversation. 

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