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                                                                  ~EPILOGUE: 10 YEARS LATER~

                                                                           ~ROSE AND DIMITRI~

"Caroline breakfast!" I yelled while packing her lunch bag "Your sister takes forever to get ready." I told 6 years old Nathan before giving him a slice of apple. "Morning." Dimitri said, pulling me into a hug "Hi love." I said before giving him a kiss. "Where's Caroline?" I laughed at his question and he rubbed his forehead "Caroline Elizabeth Hathaway Mazur Ozera Belikov!" Dimitri yelled and Nathan giggled "Oh no!" Caroline came down the stairs brushing her hair and she glared at Dimitri "I said 5 minutes." Dimitri crossed his arms and said "That's what you said last week and then the week before that, you can't be late again young lady, the principal is tired seeing our face every week."

"I'm tired of seeing your faces as well." Caroline said grinning and I laughed "You are definitely my daughter!" I said and Dimitri shook his head "Carry!" Nathan whined and Caroline gladly picked him up "You are growing so fast bub!" Caroline said before eating her breakfast. "Hey I'll pick you up at 4pm,okay?" Caroline nodded her head and Dimitri frowned "Your classes are until 4pm?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he glared at me "Trevor huh?" Caroline blushed and said "Come on I can't be late you said it yourself the principal is tired of seeing your faces."

I gave Caroline the car keys and she went to the car with Trevor and their bags. "Trevor and Caroline?" Dimitri asked "Best friends....for now." I said smiling and he groaned "Caroline will follow your silly rule of no boyfriend until she becomes 18." I said drinking my water "Silly? It's not silly." Dimitri defended and I smirked at him "I don't know if you can remember but I became your girlfriend before I was 18 years old." he smiled widely at me and said "Of course I remember, I remember every detail of our relationship." I giggled and snuggled closer to him.

Beep Beep Beep

Dimitri and I laughed at what Caroline did and grabbed our bags before closing the door. We got in the car and Dimitri drove to the Academy. Once we arrived we parked the car and Caroline quickly kissed our cheeks before running since the Principal is waiting for her at the entrance of the main building "She's not late, she's actually 5 minutes early." I said shrugging before dropping Nathan off to his class.

"Wow, she's not late." I laughed and gave Principal Mia Rinaldi- Voda a hug. Kirova retired as principal 5 years ago and she is now part of the monarchy council. "How are you?" I asked and Mia shrugged staring at Owen who is playing with Nathan "My husband and my daughter died 7 months ago because of a stupid car accident and I still miss them, every single day. It's hard you know, waking up without the person whom I thought would be with me for the rest of my life." I rubbed Mia's back and she smiled "But I gotta be strong not just for me but for Owen as well, he misses Alexander and Diana so much. The Voda Clan checks up on me as well, I thought they would leave me but they didn't. They stayed with me, 3 Voda Family moved here you know so that they could be with me and Owen, I am so thankful for that."

"Mrs. Voda, Mr & Mrs. Belikov you are requested at the throne room." Igna said and we smiled at him "You could move in with us you know." Dimitri said "I know but I don't wanna leave the house, maybe a sleepover?" Mia asked and we nodded our heads "We got you Mia, I know you know that." I said and she smiled at me "Lord Ozera you requested our faces?" Mia asked and Christian laughed "Oh yes I did, sit."


"Oh yes I did, sit." I said closing the laptop and placing my legs on the table stretching "I visited Alexander and Diana this morning by the way." Mia smiled and said "Beautiful flowers." I smiled at her and squeezed her hand "Want me to send some flowers to Your Majesty as well? Oh wait- that's right, she ghosted us." I gave her a small smile and she looked down "Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." I shrugged and said "It's been 7 years since she left me, I've moved on and I think she has as well." Rose scoffed and said "I still don't get why you're choosing to stay and follow her orders, I'm so mad at her she left without saying anything, not even a single word."

My room mate is my MENTOR.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora