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I sighed as I jumped from a building to another.

Eri was nothing but a five years old girl, a child and yet she has experienced death more times alone than a small population would ,since you know, you only experience death once.Dying and getting revived over and over can never be easy.

When Chisaki scatters her molecules she would cease living, just for a split moment and when he re-collects her parts she would be revived.That is nothing like arranging a lego building. the moment Chisaki scatters her Eri would literally feel her body getting torn apart,she would be in intense pain.That kind of pain would drive anyone to insanity, hell it would drive me insane and I am a professional assassin trained to have insane pain tolerance.It is a miracle Eri is still sane.

I paused at the top of an apartment building when something occurred to me.

Alluka and Eri are kinda -No.

Sure Eri's situation and Alluka's is relatable, they were both locked away because people wanted to take advantage of their powers.

I snorted as I  continued my way to the USJ. Alluka and Eri are nothing alike, no matter how cruel Chisaki is ,he would be inferior when compared to Illumi and Milluki. No matter how similar their plot looks there is a big difference.

Alluka is my little sister,and no one in the world can dream of being compared to her.

I might be Eri's  'Big brother', but my little sister is Alluka and her alone. Eri will never be able to replace her.

Oh man, I miss Alluka so much. She should be taking the Hunter's exam any day now.Which should give me around two months before she finds out I am missing. I hope I would be back by then,it would be as if I never left.

Alluka is a normal kid. The ability to grant wishes is Nanika's and not her's. She had to yet know her ability by the time she left to train with Bisky. I know Bisky will be hard on her,but the old hag was the only one I could trust with my precious little sister.

        I wonder,will I be able to see her and Gon ever again?

The search for dimensional quirks had no results so far.No one was found with that ability ,not in the present or in the past.The idea of her being trained by Bisky was more reassuring as the days pass,I am glad she is becoming a hunter now more than ever. I hope that,even if Illumi comes for her now she would at least be able to defend herself a bit.

I know, just skulking.

I can't give up yet, I refuse to be stuck in a strange place like this forever. I made a promise to Alluka that I will be there whenever she needs me and I refuse to break that promise.

I am going home, to Alluka. No matter the coast,that is just a trip I will never cancel.

I stopped in front of the dome structured building and marveled for a moment at the figure before tensing up.

Something was very wrong in there.

First of all, the door is broken, when I walked inside I found half of the class there all looking at the same direction ,Mina was on the ground next to thirteen who I assume was injured. Tsuyu and Mineta was putting a half dead Aizawa on the ground.Sighing I walked over Mina who didn't even look up.

"What  the hell happened here,Mina?"

Her black rimmed eyes snapped to me in surprise,"Killua?........uh..villains attacked."


I turned to where everyone was looking to see Almight and some of my classmates facing off four people ,one of the villain's physique reminded me of Yupi,the chimera ant I fought, except this one looked more gross.The second villain was covered in mist,the third had hands allover him which was pretty creepy if you ask me. I narrowed my eyes at the fourth who had a white hoodie and a full face plague mask.But before I could focus on him, the one that looked like Yupi launched itself at Red. I felt my lips part at the sight, that was the fastest I have seen anyone move since I came to this world. I was about to jump into action but Almight beat me and the black skinned monster to it.I smirked ,looks like Almight is the fastest now,he takes the spot.

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now