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Bisky sighed tapping her finger on her table as she played the recorded footage of 1-B's hero basic training. She was stuck on how to help Itsuka Kendo improve her quirk. Kendo's quirk wasn't a very versatile one, it just make Itsuka's fists bigger. She figured that that was a great advantage on it's own if paired with a sound mind and a half decent fighting style. Luckily Kendo was good with martial arts and was an adequate strategist. After revising a bit Bisky decided that she should help Itsuka with her fighting style instead of trying to improve her actual quirk.

'Gon has a lot of free time on his hands lately.' She thought and turned to her colleague.

"Vlad King, I'm assigning Gon to help Itsuka with her combat ability. It'll be good for them both." she said.

The fanged man turned to her," Sounds good. Did you figure a way to help Koichi yet?" he asked.

"Roughly, I was expecting to see some progress in the past few days but looks like I overestimated that baby's drive. It's truly disappointing." she said.

Vlad King chuckled, "Is that so? All Might is trying his best." he said remembering the booklet he saw All Might read.

"What your students lack is basically field experience." Bisky changed the subject." People grow exceptionally during battle. There isn't much I can do if they are only restricted to classrooms and training grounds. All I can see is a dead end." Bisky said her pink eyes locked on the screen in front of her," That's probably why class 1-A improved faster than your students."

Vlad King couldn't help but scowl but he didn't comment.

"We are planning a joined training session at the end of the semester, that should give them an adequate sense of experience." Aizawa said making her nod her head a bit.

"It should but if you want them to actually show any observable changes then you have to abandon this naïve style of teaching. You are not preparing them to threats that could end their lives, at this rate they are bound to freeze up when presented with real danger." Bisky said and raised her phone when her phone lit up with a notification. It was from Alluka's school. 

'Dear Parent/Guardian, we regret to tell you that your child have been involved in an attack. Villains broke into Soumei Private school during an evacuation drill at 12:43 PM. Please keep your phones on you for further notifications.'

Bisky blinked and re-read the brief message.

"Killua Zoldyck, please come to the faculty office immediately. I repeat quickly report to the faculty office."Bisky nodded in approval at Aizawa's  actions. Luckily for them the students were currently on their lunch break.

"I take it that you received a notification for Eri?" She asked, Aizawa only nodded his head.

"Why do you need Killua?" Gon asked pocking his head through the door.

Bisky rushed him inside the room," Perfect timing, Gon. Come in." she said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Huh? What's going on?" Gon asked his eyes darting between Aizawa and Bisky.

"Just wait until Killua is here." Bisky said rubbing her temple.

As if on cue the pale haired boy leisurely walked into the staff room with his hands stuck in his pockets.

"What is this about?" he asked.

"Alluka's school is under attack." Bisky bluntly said, shoving her phone in his direction.

"What?!" Gon yelled, his eyes blown wide in surprise.

Neither of the boys needed any kind of confirmation, they bolted out of the room as soon as they heard their mentor's words.

//Blink //(HxH xbnha crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora