What the hell???

Throat babies, I'm tryna give 'em to you
Throat babies, I'm tryna bust all on you.

Um Adit?

Yes it?

Ahh are you busy?

Not really. What's up puppy?

Did she just moan? Is this fucker, fucking?

When you get done doing whatever you are doing, we need to talk.

Is everything ok? Kaira didn't break your dick did she?

Just come over when you get a chance. Mentally rolling my eyes.

Standing up, I turn to check on Kaira. Walking to the dresser, I grab some clothes to throw on then leave the room. Before my feet touches the bottom step there is a knock on the door. Walking to it and opening it, there standing before me half dressed is Adit.Well, I mean, she is dressed. Just that her shirt is undone along with her belt buckle. She stands there looking down at me. A slight glow to her eyes.

""Um," I say swallowing. "There was really no rush." I gesture her inside. Out of the corner of my eye I see her pause upon walking into the home. Her eyes glowing brightly, as she scans over the living room.

"So what's up Imani? I don't gather this is a social call." Raising her eyebrow she tilts her head.

"I had a visitor," I tell her, studying her face for any reaction. Her mouth quirks slightly in a subtle smirk.

She inhales deeply, and moves further into the living room, sitting on the sofa. She spreads her legs and leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "What did she want?"

"You know?" I ask.

"Puppy I know my wife's scent anywhere," her eyes are sad. "So what did she want?"

Licking my lips, I sit down on the ottoman. "Ah, well, I think she wants to talk to you." I hold her gaze. "She said you both broke promises to one another."

Leaning back and stretching out her arms, she nods slowly, seemingly in thought. "We did." Resting her hands on her head. "That we did."

"Will you talk to her?" I ask.

"I can't" she says with a shrug. Looking into her eyes, I see something that I would never expect to see in her face. Shame and regret.

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I can't puppy," she lowers her arms and sets her shoulders, her hands folded together on top of her thighs. "I want to but I may not be able to control myself." she smiles softly. "MayilArasi has always been able to bring out my best and my worst. And there is still too much anger in my heart towards her."

The current in the house changes, a flash of light, and then a silhouette. "I can understand you anger Adit. But I am still your wife. Even in death you said."

Adit stands and snarls at me. I put my hands and shake my head, letting her know I knew nothing of this. I had nothing to do with this. This was not a trap set for her.

Adit swirls and turns towards MayilArasi. "You gave up the right to call yourself my wife."

MayilArasi approaches Adit with no fear. "When Adit? When did I do that? I bore your children, I was with you until the end. We never parted. Even when Aja called you, you were there holding me, When did I stop being your wife?  Kas see oli siis, kui otsustasite hakata kõike kõndima"

Adit scoffs. "You stopped being my wife when you chose them over me," she spits. 

"Adit, I'm doing this for you," Mayi says raising her hands, laying them on Adit's chest.

Adit raises her hands and step back. Her marking starts to shimmer. "No you're not. You're doing this cause you're a coward Mayi. And I don't fault you for it. I lost them also you know. I also lost you but you have branded me to lose you again."

What the hell does that mean?

"You aren't losing me Adit," MayilArasi begins only to be shut down by Adit's roaring humorless laughter.

"Are you fucking shitting me?" Adit looks incredulously at her. Spreading her arms she looks down at her. "I mean seriously are you? You must be. YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING FORGET ABOUT ME MAYI. ABOUT US. OUR KIDS. OUR WHOLE FUCKING LIFE TOGETHER ONCE YOU ARE REBORN," she says yelling the last part at MayilArasi.

 I won't even remember this conversation. She said that to me. 

"YOU ARE KNOWINGLY CHOOSING TO FORGET ABOUT OUR LOVE," Adit screams in her face taking a step back. 

"What the hell is going on?" Kaira suddenly appears at the bottom of the stairs. "What is with all the yelling?"

Adit steps further away from MayilArasi as she reaches for her again. Kaira looks from her to MayilArasi to me. I raise my hands and wave them back and forth between to the two of them, indicating I have nothing to do with this. Standing up and edging to her. 

"That's Adit's wife, our future daughter MayilArasi," I say leaning down to whisper in her ear. "She came to visit wanting me to deliver a message Adit. I let Adit know I needed to talk to her, she came over then MayilArasi popped up. I guess having enough and wanting to actually talk to Adit. I don't think it's going as planned though."

"You know we can still hear you puppy," Adit says. 

I look up and see both her and MayilArasi looking at me. I smile sheepishly at them and look back down at Kaira, who is shaking her head.

"Thank you love for the rundown, but that doesn't explain all the yelling," she looks at Adit. "Adit I know you love your wife dearly, why are you yelling?"

Adit flops back down on the couch running her hands over her face. "It's complicated Kaira."

Kaira moves away from and sits next to Adit. "I'm sure it is, I mean damn, everything is right now. But we can all be adults without the yelling."

Adit licks her lips and looks over at Mayi, who is still standing, looking forlorn. "I can't do this," she says standing up.

Mayi steps back in front of her. "You running? My husband never ran from anything."

"And my wife would have never left me," Adit counters.

"I didn't leave you. I am right here."

"For now but what about when Kaira gives birth? I am left alone with memories of you and our children with a brand new you in front of me." Adit retorts. "I am forever stuck with the memories while you get the happily ever after. I get to see you grow up, possibly with someone else. Someone who isn't me holding you, kissing you, loving you. And you won't have a clue about the pain I will be going through seeing all that. 

But you want me to be fucking happy and move on. To save a species I don't give a damn about especially when they are taking my soul from me. When I brought back here together I just wanted to enter my mother's realm and live the afterlife with you. I lost you, our children, our unborn child, my father, my home. And you and Aja have this plan to force me to help beings I could give a fuck about. And you want me to embrace all this? When you are reborn, yea, I'll be happy because you get to live again. But not with me.

And you want to talk and wonder why I broke my promise? Wonder why there is no love in my acts? Love has deserted me Mayi. You have exiled me. I honestly wish I could let Nerezza come through and have her way with this world. I hate them. I hate them for you choosing them over me. Over your so called great love." she says stepping back and around MayilArasi. In the next blink of an eye she is gone. MayilArasi fading out behind her.

Kaira looks at me raising an eyebrow. I shrug.

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