six - breakfast

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I got to know Dean, Seamus, Neville and Ron's sister Ginny. We where all talking about random stuff and laughter filling the atmosphere.

I felt a hand on both sides of shoulders, I looked up to see the twins behind me. Shit I don't know who's who.

"Hey Ambs" they said in unison

"Well hello boys" I said with a smile

"Wait. Sorry, who's who? I am sorry, but it's going to take me a while to know who's Fred and George" I said in a sigh

"Well, that's Fred..." I'm guessing was George pointing to his twin

"...and that's George" said Fred

"Okay, okay. Give me a minute" I said, staring at both of them, analysing their features. Weird, but I was trying to tell them apart. Fuck, they where literally identical.

But I think I kind of got it, I don't know how, but I just did.

"Okay got it" I muttered

"What was that Ambs?" They said in unison

"Nothing" I replied quickly

They both sat next to me, George slightly pushing Hermoine and me apart to sit in between us, while Fred on my other side.

"We need to know Ambs, what kind of pranks did you do at your old school? You see George and I are fellow pranksters who are starting our own joke shop" Fred said

A huge grin made its way on my face

"Shit a joke shop, that's gonna be awesome. Let's just say, the pure-blood sexist pricks I pranked didn't like their new identity. I basically sneaked into their dorms and transfigured their clothing into girl clothing, changed their room pink, and changed their appearance with long hair and added some makeup. The thing is that they only thought their room had changed, but I did this spell so they wouldn't see their girl clothing or their change in appearance, thinking everything was fine" I said with a smirk

"Then what happened?" the twins asked in unison

"Well they where the laughing stock of the school" I said with a smirk across my face

"Then how did you get expelled?" Fred asked

Oh shit.

Just then, a Professor in a full black robe and greased hair came behind me, handing me my timetable.

"Miss Smith, why aren't you sitting on the Slytherin table?" he asked in a dull voice, looking around the table in displeasure

Fuck, well he seemed fun.

"Well sir..." I started

"Professor Snape" he said

"Well, Professor Snape, I really didn't want to sit with prejudice pricks, you know since they taunt me for being a normie, shit sorry a muggle-born" I said with a smile

I heard some gasps besides me, maybe that wasn't a smart idea.

He just glared at me.

"Be careful Miss Smith, that is my house you are talking about" he remarked

Shit he must me the head Professor for the house. At this time, I know I fucked up. Well let's just make this situation worse.

"Well my house is filled with fucking assholes and that ain't for me" I said with a smirk

"10 points from Slytherin, and next time it will be a detention" he sneered. With that he walked away

"Bloody hell Ambs, do you have a death wish?" Ron asked

"Yeh Ambs, be careful with him" Harry said

"Yeh yeh I will" I said with a smile

"Anyways, what do you guys have first?" I asked them

"Defence Against the Dark Arts" said Hermoine, Ron and Harry

I looked at my timetable with a smile making its way on my face

"Same here" I smiled

"That means where with the rest of the slimy Slytherins" said Ron

"Ah, I am offended Ronald" I play pouted

"We all know your an amazing  Ambs, it's the others" he said with a smile

"Yeh Ambs, you the nicest Slytherin probably in the history of Slytherin" Hermoine said

"Aw guys your making me blush" I giggled

"Anyways, maybe it's because I'm a muggle" I said shrugging my shoulders

"It's really rare for a muggle to be placed into Slytherin" said Hermoine

"Well aren't I fucking lucky" I laughed

"Alright guys, we should make our ways to class" said Hermoine

We said bye to the twins and walked to the class together.

F E R A L (discontinued) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin