three - the compartment

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I reached the family of red heads, to be greeted by two identical boys.

"Hello new girl, this is Fred -" pointing at the other identical boy

"-and this is George" the other boy finished, pointing to his brother

"I'm just letting you both know now, I am 100% going to mess up your names" I said

They both just laughed at me. Wow, thanks.

"Nah, that's alright, we get it a lot. You will soon find out that I am the more handsome twin, so you will be able to work it out" said George, with a smirk

"Hey, we are both identical Georgey, so we are both rather dashing" Fred said while straightening out his clothes.

"Whatever you say Freddy", George said with a smirk to his brother

"Well dear, I thought we lost you amongst the platform" their mother said

"Oh sorry Mrs Weasley, I got lost and then I was pushed into this boy and then this whole argument happened" I said, out of breathe.

"That's alright dear, call me Molly. What's your name?" she asked

"Amber Smith" I said with a large smile

"Well nice to meet you, oh alright dears, time to get on the train" ushering us onto the train as we finished giving our luggage away.

I grabbed Tyson's cage and my bag to join me in the compartment.

"Come on Amber, you can sit with us" said George

"Yeh, we are probably the best company to have out of the whole of Hogwarts" said Fred

"Alright then, try and keep up" I said to them as I got on the train, looking for an empty compartment.

Found one.

I slid the door open and held it open for the twins

"Here we are" I said

I sat down on one side, with the twins following and sitting across from me. I let Tyson out of his cage and he sat on my lap. This bitch really thinks he's a lap dog. Well he fucking isn't.

"What's his name?" I think George said

"Well George?" coming out as a question.

"Yes that is me" he replied

"This is the one and only Tyson, your not scared are you?" I remarked

"Nah, come here boy" and with that, Tyson literally yeeted of my fucking lap and jumped on George and Fred

"Fuck Tyson, calm down mate" I muttered

Both the twins just laughed at me, while Tyson was literally licking them to death

"So tell us about yourself Ambs" Fred asked

"Ambs? I like it" I said, giving a smile

"Well, I transferred from a school named fucking the sacred heart for witchcraft and wizardry" I said

"Was it bad?" piped Fred.

"Like the education was decent, everyone was just fucking prejudice or annoying" I said

"Well you get the prejudice and annoying in Slytherine, but everyone else is fine" George said

"Well I already met a fucking prejudice ass on the platform" I sneered, he really fucking annoyed me

"Know who?" Asked Fred

"The fucking wonderful father of Draco Malfoy" I said.

"Oh yeh, the Malfoys are all about blood purity, bloody gits" Fred said

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