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Hey guys!! how are you?? i'm hope u guys doing fine!! ( ╹▽╹ )

i'm really sorry bcuz this is not an update T-T n i'm sorry too bcuz going M.I.A suddenly.. actually, one of my best friend just lost his i've spent my time with her since i didn't want her to feeling so sad n cut her contact with me n other friends so thats why i didn't update my story bcuz i want to focus on my best friend's emotion first..

n last week, i already ready to continue this story n already wrote 2 chapter & half but once again i receive a bad news from my friend of my friend from my study place just lost his father too..

n the worst that my friend is become emotionally unstable since he really close with his that's why i stop again since me n my friends try to support him so he didn't do anything...

moreover, now i have a new story to do since someone offered me to make a new story n post it on their website n i will get paid for my story..n i accept it since i really want to help my family..

but things kinda getting hard now since i have to update 4 stories including my new story so total 5 stories + me now giving a support to my mind feel exhausted..

so here i just wanna say that, i'm gonna take hiatus for a while..not too long..just maybe about 3 weeks or 1 month..sorry guys..but i really want to rest n during my hiatus, i will try to write all my stories again n will update it in the future..

i'm really sorry guys since i leave u guys hanging here(╥﹏╥) but pliss give me some times n i will be back again with the new update!! can u guys wait for me??(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

lastly, i hope u guys take care, stay safe n stay healthy!! i love u guys so much!! please wait for me!!( ≧Д≦)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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Can't You See Me? [Chaeyeon x Sakura ll ChaeKkura] [Slow Update ll Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now