"If I wanted to eat you, I would have done it by now." Sarah shrugs.

"See, she's gonna eat us! We're doomed!" Benny cries.

"No, no, I just want to talk to you guys." She tries to calm the situation.

Ethan snaps a branch in half and makes a cross. "Demon of the night, be gone!"

"Guys, whatever you saw was not what it looks like." She tries to explain.

"You're a freaking vampire who eats animals and drinks their blood!" Ethan says.

"Well, what else is she supposed to drink?" Reagan questions.

"Okay, so it's kind of what it looks like, but--"

"I'm warning you now. I had garlic bread for lunch and I'm not afraid to use my breath." Benny says as he begins to blow his breath.

"Would you just shut up?!" Sarah snaps. "I'm just a normal girl, okay? Well, I was before I got bit by my crummy ex-boyfriend."

"I knew I didn't like Jesse for a reason," Reagan mutters.

With Sarah's hearing, she nods in Reagan's direction. "I'm technically still a fledgling until I drink human blood, which I really don't want to do so... I have to figure out how to stop this thing before my mortal body dies or at least stop it from happening to more people like Erica."

"So, you're sure this isn't some stupid thing for that Dusk movie?" Benny asks.

"I wish." Sarah sighs. "Come on, let's get out of here. I'm not the only one feeding tonight. You two get home, and if Reagan and I are lucky, we can find Erica before it's too late."

"Woah, wait," Benny interjects. "Why are you involving Reagan?"

"Because I've already known about the situation." Reagan shrugs.

Benny's eyes widen. "What?!"

"Story for another time."


"About time," Jane tells them when the four of them walk in. "I'm so bored. "Grandma passed out like five songs ago and she has about zero boom boom pow. Can we please play now?" She asks Reagan and Sarah.

"Sorry Janie, we have to go." Reagan frowns.

"Just be careful and please don't tell anyone about... you know," Sarah tells the boys.

"We'll be fine. No one believes anything Benny says, anyways." Ethan says.

"Hey, she's serious." Reagan glares. "And whatever you do, do NOT let a vampire into your house. It's your only safe haven."

"Got it. Thanks." Ethan nods.

When Sarah and Reagan exit to leave to find Erica, Reagan could feel Sarah smirking at her.

"Okay, what is it now?" Reagan sighs.

"Benny must really like you, huh?"

Reagan almost stumbles. "W-What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on, Reagan. When you guys found me all fangs and scary, he instantly protected you. He didn't want you to get hurt."

Reagan's face begins to heat up. "No. That's not true."

Sarah scoffs. "I'm a fledgling. I could hear his heartbeat. He cares about you more than you think."

The Sullivan girl rolls her eyes and Sarah nudges the girl before they both heard screams coming from Ethan's house, alarming the two.

Sarah quickly grabs her friend's arm and uses her vampire speed to appear in front of Jane and the boys.

"Can we play too?"

"Yes!" Benny and Ethan scream.

"Jesse got tired of waiting, so he sent me to come to pick you up. And your little friend here." He motions towards Reagan.

"Guess you really are just the delivery boy." Reagan remarks.

The vampire chuckles. "At least I know whose side I'm on." He looks over at Sarah. "Fledgling."

"Okay, um, can I just grab a slice before you guys do your whole vampire, trash talk thing?" Benny asks, causing the girls to look back at him. "If I'm going to have a last meal, I want it to be the Italiano Deluxe." He looks down at Reagan who smirked.

"With extra garlic!" Ethan yells as Benny charges the vampire with the pizza in his hand. As Sarah fought with the vampire, everyone else ran up the stairs and into Ethan's room.

"I don't think she's winning." Ethan gasps for breath.

"Of course she's not. She's not even a real vampire yet!" Benny yells.

"Sarah's a vampire?" Jane questions.

The three teens look at each other in hopes of an explanation popping into their heads.

As they tried to hold the door shut, Ethan explains to his little sister.

"Wait, someone's coming," Reagan says, and the boys push Ethan's bed against the door.

"It's me, let me in!" Sarah's voice yelled from the other side of the door. The boys groan as they push the bed back in its rightful place.

"What do you guys have for weapons?" Sarah asks as she holds the door shut. The boys run around the room as Reagan helps Sarah with the door until the vampire punches through the door.

They let out a scream as Reagan caught a glance of a debating trophy in the corner of her eye, quickly grabbing it and stabbing the vampire's hand.

"Come on!" Benny yells, grabbing Reagan's hand as they climb out the window.

They run towards the front yard until the vampire appears in front of them. He hisses at them before Sarah creeps up behind him and stabs him with a wooden stake.

Ethan shields Jane's eyes with his hand while Reagan tightened her grip on Benny's hand.

"Okay, she might be a horrible babysitter, but that was the bomb!" Benny exclaims.


"It's amazing how she can sleep now," Reagan says as she looks at the sleeping girl, who was passed out on the couch.

"Yeah, Grandma's got the magic touch. When I was six and afraid of robots, she--"

"Fascinating! Look, if Reagan and I can get to Jesse's before midnight, we can still save Erica." Sarah explains as the two girls walk towards the front door

"Wait, that pizza guy isn't dead, right?" Ethan questions.

"Not dead, but in this weird 'limbo for souls' thing. He won't be back here." Sarah answers before opening the door.


The girls turn around to see Benny step forward, his eyes focused on Reagan.

"Are you sure you want to go?" He asks. "Because I think you'll be better off not in a room full of vampires where they'll want to drink your blood and--"

"Benny." Reagan chuckles as she places a hand on his shoulder. "Sarah and I are going to get Erica before it's too late and we'll be back, okay? I will be fine, I promise." She softly smiles.

Even though he knew it was a horrible idea, he looked into her caramel brown eyes, and he fell, deep. "Okay." He sighs. "Be safe."

Reagan smirks as she steps out the door. "Always am."

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