Hearing gasps and cheers, I smile up at her who already has tears in her eyes, "Layla Scott, ever since the day I met you, you've changed the way I see life and the way I see myself. I've come to realise that you and I are together for far too long to not have a ring on your finger so, I'm here now to ask, will you Layla Rebecca Scott do me the honour and accept this ring – will you marry me?" I ask looking up at her hopefully while blinking back the tears that threaten to fall down my cheeks.

She hands me her hand and I slide the ring onto her ring finger and kiss her hand. Standing up she nods her head as the words escape her lips through sobs, "Y-yes I-I w-will m-marry y-you."

Kissing her forehead I pick her up and spin her around while everyone claps in the background. Spinning Layla around I couldn't stop kissing her and the smile on both of our faces proved how happy we are to be in each other's future.

Putting my fiancé down I look at all the smiling faces around me. My parents, siblings, her parents and her siblings, my friends and everyone I love is here. Kisses and hugs come our way from left and right – all over!

My mother Martha grabs my face and kisses my cheeks congratulating me with tears in her eyes. Shaking hands with my father, he pulls me in for a hug and pats my back, "I'm proud of you son, you got yourself a beautiful girl," he says to me making me blush and nod.

"I know dad, and it's not only her beauty that's great about her." We chuckle and hug before I move on to receive my wishes from the others here tonight.

Reaching our table I hug Sage's mother, Aunty Sandra. Uncle Michael, his dad hugs me too along with his sister Samantha and brother Seth. My brows knit as I scanned the room, it's pretty big but I can see everyone's faces, Sage was here not too long ago, so where is he now?

"Aunty Sandra, where's Sage?" I asked looking down at her. She looks to her sides and around us, "I don't know love, he went to the bathroom and never came back, he said he was going to wash his face."

I smiled down at her and kissed her cheek. Letting them know I was off to go get him I made my way to the toilets. Fixing my sleeves and cufflinks I couldn't help but smile, I can't wait to marry her.

Pushing the door open I walked in ready to yell but stopped myself seeing that there was actually no one in here, I couldn't have passed him on the way here could I?

Checking the stalls once more, I trekked out of the toilets and walked back to the room. Scanning through the crowd I frowned, pulling at one of the waiters I asked him, "Hey did you see a guy my height, with bright blue eyes, light tan in complexion with black hair that shines a dark blue wearing a dark blue suit?"

He looks at me confused with a frown but his eyes light up, "Yeah I saw someone with that description, he went out through the back," thanking him he, I ran through the kitchen and out the back and down the staircase out to the ground floor.

Looking left and right I found my car and Sage's car who was parked beside mine, gone. Pulling my cell phone out I dialled his phone number but no one answered. Trying again, it rang and the call went through, "Hello Sage, where the hell are you?" I asked frustrated, he was supposed to be here to support me but he isn't and it's pissing me off, he better not be getting laid.

"Good day, may I ask who am I speaking to," a voice I've never heard before came through making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"H-hello, this is Ethan Demetri, I'm Sage's best friend?" I say unsure of my own answer.

"Good day Mr Demetri, are you available to head over to the police departments head office, Mr Sage Clark was involved in a car accident and is currently at the hospital in theatre receiving emergency surgery." The man says to me.

"E-Excuse me but I think you have the wrong person," I say swallowing my saliva in disbelief as my heartbeat speeds up. "I'm sorry but you are the one who called. This phone and number is currently in the possession of the police and is under investigation."

"NO! How can that be?" I ask furiously while getting into my car and heading straight for the police station. After speaking further to the officer I calmed down and called my brother, "Listen, Simon, get mother and father and Aunty Sandra and Uncle Michael to the police station, I don't know what happened but Sage was in a car accident," I say and switch off the phone.

Speeding I arrived at the police station and meet with the man who I spoke to over the phone. He hands me Sages LG G7 that is full of cracks and on its last life – I need to charge it.

My heart didn't stop pounding hard against my chest as it beat. My heart ached and my eyes burned as the tears fought to come out. Listening to the report of how they chased after him and he just drove off the cliff like it was natural.

I honestly can't believe that Sage would do such a thing – suicide, that's impossible.

I looked at my parents and his parents who were looking at me frantically as the police officers explained what they told me. Aunty Sandra yelled at them to stop lying to her and after a while, we all left for the hospital. Sage was still in surgery.

The nurse told us that he had broken ribs, broken bones and possible brain damage due to the multiple cracks in his skull.

Today was supposed to be my special day, the day of my engagement but today is the day I might lose my best friend.

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