Chapter 9

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I walked down a back street, thinking about what the old man had said. "Hm.. maybe the old man is right. This town seems like it's become a much friendlier and happier place. They even seem to be treating the dragons and their friends well," I thought as a group of little kids ran by. I continued to walk looking up at the clouds.

I walked into the forest and sighed leaning against a tree and crossing my arms. "Don't you seem happy," I heard Jae-Ha say. I have no idea where he came from, but I ignored him and continued to think. I soon saw that the whole group was there, but I continued to ignore them. I put my hands in my pocket and started to walk away, still thinking.

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard Jae-Ha say grabbing my shoulder. I sighed once again "When will these guys give me a chance to myself? This is a lot of thinking they are making me do," I thought. I grabbed his wrist and flipped him over my shoulder onto his stomach. I put his arm behind his back and put one knee on him.

"Don't touch me," I said.

"I don't know exactly why but, I just didn't want to be around anyone right now. It's like my blood is acting up against them. It feels dangerous if I go with them, yet wants me to go because of our bond," I thought. I felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me off of Jae-Ha. They started to turn me and as I turned around I punched them in the stomach, but they didn't collapse. I look at them with coldness in my eyes, soon realizing they couldn't see my eyes because of my hair and mask. They couldn't even see my hair for that matter because I had been wearing a hood this whole time. I turned back around and stepped over Jae-Ha, walking away. I put my hands in my pockets. My left fist had started to throb a little. I looked over my shoulder at the guy I had just punched. He was tall and wore a lot of blue. I didn't care much after realizing he wasn't a dragon.

I looked forward again and immediately knew where I was. I started to run and was soon at the cliff. I looked over at the waterfall flowing out of the side of the cliff and instantly felt a lot better. I turned around and leaned backwards falling off the cliff. I could hear people screaming and grabbed the cliff looking around. The town was peaceful looking and not a single unknown ship was near by. I shrugged and began to let go again, when I felt something fall onto my hand. I looked up and saw a little chubby squirrel. I tightened my grip and looked at it.

"What are you doing here? It isn't safe," I said quietly. I carefully grabbed him with my one hand and set him on my shoulder. "Now hang on little guy. We're going down," I said. I jumped off the side of the cliff, holding my hood on. I opened my eyes and turned my body into a landing position. I landed on the ground and felt a sharp pain in my knee, but kept acting like normal. I let the terrified little squirrel off my shoulder and onto the ground and walked away. I then found a nice tree by the falls and fell asleep in it while listening to the sound of the water falling.


I woke up the next morning and jumped off the tree feeling a sharp pain in my leg. "Oh ya. I jumped from the cliff yesterday..." I thought. I walked into town ignoring the pain. I walked into the small cafe as always and sat down at my table. Soon a tea was placed in front of me and I nodded in thanks. I stirred my tea and soon felt the dragon's presence nearby once again. "And they are back."

After a while of sipping my tea I heard the old man coming over followed by a group of others. I looked up and saw the old man smiling down at me and everyone behind him.

"Um.. Black Flash these people want to talk to you," He said. I was about to deny, but the look on his face told me I wasn't being given a choice as he invited them to sit while he got some tea. I sighed and nodded. The girl and the man I punched in the stomach sat down across from me and the rest stood soon behind or beside them.

"It's as if they are protecting her and only her. Is she the red dragon? I would make sense... Her hair is rather red," I thought.

"Who are you?" The man sitting down asked. I looked at him blankly.

"You should introduce yourselves first. You are the ones who wish to speak with me, not the other way around," I said.

"Fine why not, you already know my name. My name is Jae-Ha,'' Jae-Ha said smiling at me.

"I'm Kija," Kija said.

"I'm Yoon," the annoying one said.

"Zeno is Zeno," Zeno said enthusiastically.

"Shin-Ah," the one with the mask said quietly.

"I'm Hak," the man who I punched said.

"And I'm Yona. Pleased to meet you," she said smiling.

"My name is Tsuki,'' I said resting my head on my hand. Yona was giving me some sort of high status vibes. I glanced over and saw Hak giving me a look that almost seemed to be confusion. It looks like a mix between relief and worry. I shook off the feeling and looked at them all waiting for the next question. We all sat there silently.

"Well if that's all you needed me for I'll be going then," I said standing and waving by to the old man.

I went into town again and sat down on the roof of the building with the bell and just watched the water.

"This may be the last time I watch the water for incoming enemies for this town," I thought. I rested my chin on my knees watching the water. I could tell someone or a group of people were watching me, but I ignored it.

"It could either be the group of dragons or villagers, both very plausible," I thought, reaching up to where my mask was. "Now onto my next problem, how to tell them about who I am. If I just go up and tell them they probably don't even know about my ancestors or who I am for a matter of fact," I thought while still watching the water. I stood up, stretched and jumped off the building onto the ground and started to walk into the forest. "Maybe they didn't even want me to go with them. Oh, well either way I'm leaving this town. It is safe now and there are probably other towns that need my protection if they aren't here looking for me," I thought leaving the town.

I started climbing up the mountain that surrounded the village. Once I reached the top I saw the dragons sitting up there. I walked by them without even sparing them a glance. I was soon at the edge of the cliff I had jumped from the previous day. I sighed sitting down on the edge looking out at the night sky, clearing my mind. All the thoughts about how to tell them and if I should, the worries for the village, the old man and if I really should even tell them about me anyways, had clouded my mind. I sighed and leaned back looking up at the sky. Even after thinking about it for hours I still had no solid idea on what to do. I sighed and got up heading back down the mountain. I walked down through the forest until I found a tree that I could sleep in. I climbed up into the tree and sat on a branch, drifting off to sleep, the thoughts sill floating through my mind. 

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