Chapter 7

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Just as the tree hit the ground I flipped and landed on my feet with my hand in my pockets. I sighed and opened my eyes looking at them. I saw slight shock on their faces, probably at the fact that Shin-Ah just chopped down a tree and I managed to land unscathed. I sighed and turned around, knowing that they were watching me, and walked over to a new tree and jumped up onto a branch and sat down again, seeing how far I could go with this.

"Hey, who are you?" a rather annoying voice said.

"Hmph... It's none of your business," I said. I continued relaxing against the tree as the group of them quietly talked amongst themselves. It was actually fairly calming to be able to see all the dragons again. Suddenly I felt an awful feel. I flew up onto my feet, startling them a little bit. I jumped up higher into the tree and looked towards the village.

"Sujin," I muttered letting venom and annoyance leak from my voice. I jumped down and ran past the group of strangers towards the village.

"Hey where are you going?" the annoying voice said again.

I could hear them chasing after me, but ignored them. I climbed up the wall of a building and rang a giant bell that was on top. Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran inside any place they could for shelter. Whether it was their house or not people were let in or entering a random house. I jumped down and ran to the docks.

"What are you doing?" an out of breath voice said.

"They sure are persistent, I'll give them that," I thought. I untied one of the boats and let it start to drift out.

"Will you please just answer me!" The annoying voice yelled, clearly getting annoyed themselves. I glanced over my shoulder at him, but then looked back at the water. I saw that the boat was in position. I put one foot forward and got ready to run.

"I've got about five meter to get a run, before I reach the end of the dock and with the distance in between the end of the dock in the boat I'll need to be careful on how I jump because one small mistake could have me end up in the water," I calculated in my head then sprinted towards the edge of the dock.

"Hey, Stop! What're you doing?" I heard the annoying voice yell, but I tuned them all out and jumped from the edge of the dock landing safely on the boat. I looked back at them as the boat drifted out into the fog. I heard them start to talk to each other, but their voices soon faded. I grabbed onto the side of one of the boats and climbed up. I knocked out all the men on the first five ships and then jumped to the sixth ship. On this ship were familiar faces.

"Oh, look, the Black Flash came out to play with us," he said laughing. I took one step and knocked everyone, but him off the ship. I picked him up by the collar and tossed him off the edge as if he weighed nothing. In reality it was a bit of a struggle, but got to keep up appearances. I saw the group from before staring at me. I stared at them as if to say 'Don't mess with me.' I then turned away from them and jumped to the next ship that was just about to hit land. I walked up to one of them and picked him up by the collar.

"Where is Sujin?" I asked, my voice caused him to start trembling in my grasp.

"H-he's on the very last ship and there are 10 ships total," he said trying no to show any fear, but it didn't seem to be working. I threw him off the ship and ran, knocking all of the other men off the ship as quickly as possible. I then set the boat on fire with one of the lanterns and jumped to the next ship before I got burnt.

"You sure can jump high and far," I heard a familiar voice say. I immediately got annoyed and shot him a death glare even though he couldn't see it. He shivered and then laughed it off. "Well hey I'm Jae-Ha. Nice to meet you," he said smiling. I didn't say anything and just went faster and landed onto the ship.

"Be careful this is the Black Flash guys," One of them said.

"Oh, how cute they even have a nickname for you," Jae-Ha said landing next to me. I rolled my eyes and took a step disappearing from everyone's sight. I pulled out some small daggers and threw them at the pant leg of my target. "Now they can't move," I thought. I slowed my step and allowed them to be able to see me again, as if I never moved from Jae-Ha's side.

"You didn't even do anything," Jae-Ha said.

"What did she do? Everyone look around!" The guy at the front said. I waited for them at attack and that's when they finally realized I had pinned them down. I walked over to the most experienced guy and looked him dead in the eyes. He swung his sword at me and I stopped it turning his arm so that he dropped it.

"Next time you guys attack, that is if you make it out alive, I'll kill you all with my bare hands," I growled and punched him in the gut knocking him over. I knocked most of the other guys off the boat, but Jae-Ha stepped in and took out a few of them. I sighed and picked up a lantern and lit the boat on fire.

"What are you doing?!?" He asked as he tried to put the fire out. I pulled him away from the fire and held him against a wall and looked at him glaring.

"Burning their ships is a tradition, It gives the village hope that they won't die and that they will soon be able to live free," I said dropping him and jumping to the next ship. I did the same thing on all of the other ships, knocking guys off and then lighting the boat on fire.

I finished the ninth boat and jumped back to the back to the dock lighting the first boat on fire, waiting for the tenth. I stood at the end of the dock, I then heard Jae-Ha land on the dock behind me. I then heard his friends run to him. I walked to the other end of the dock and sat on one of the roofs that was closest to the dock and had the best view and waited for Sujin to show.

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