Chapter 2

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She walked into the cave and started to grab all the money and food that they had. She put it all into her bag. She went over to their makeshift beds and grabbed the two dog tags that had fallen off their broken chain. One of the two was her father's, the other her brother's. She put the two on her chain and tied it to her bag. Her chain now consisted of her mother's, father's, brother's, Jerry's and her own tag. She opened the small bag beside her brother's bag and took out the silver chained necklace. On the chain was her family's emblem. The emblem was a fox and wolf facing each other, the background was blood red. She put the necklace on and hid the emblem under her shirt. She put the bag over her shoulder, resting the bag on the opposite hip as the strap. She put on her black cloak and left the cave, covering the entrance with a large rock. She walked down the forest path. She stopped once she reached the forest's edge. She took a deep breath before stepping out of the forest and into the sunshine filled town.


Many Years Later

She walked into a foggy forest and heard voices. "Leave or face divine punishment!" The voice yelled out, echoing through the fog. She let a small smirk find its way to grace her features and continued to walk forwards through the fog.

Arrows shot at me from every side, but none hit me. "What?!?" A voice whisper shouted. I continued walking and soon reached the village that I knew as the white dragon's village. I walked in and looked around. Everyone was wearing white clothes with blue trim and had silver hair. As I made my way through the village everyone looked at me and steered clear of me. I soon came to a large building. "This is the house," I thought. I headed to the entrance and was stopped by a man.

"What are you doing in this village? You aren't allowed in that house let alone this village!" He said. I tried to walk past him and avoid a fight, but he grabbed my arm. "Did you not hear?" He questioned. I grabbed his wrist and flipped him over me. I had him on his back and was holding his arm behind his back.

My hood had now fallen off revealing my medium length black hair. My bangs fell over my eyes, covering them from anyone that looked at me. I stood up off his now unconscious body, and walked into the house. I climbed the stairs and stood at the door frame. I watched as the man with silver hair looked sadly out the window. I walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped and quickly turned to face me.

"Hello," I said smiling at him.

"W-who are you? How'd you get in here? What happened to the guard?" He questioned now looking out the window.

"I was trying to walk in and the man grabbed me, so I thought he was trying to kidnap me. As a natural instinct I knocked him out," I partially lied.

"Well, who are you then?" He asked. I thought for a second on if I should tell him my real name or an alias.

"My name is Midori," I answered truthfully, my smile not leaving my face.

The Fifth That Was Unknown (Yona of the Dawn FF)Where stories live. Discover now