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It was once again a nice warm day in the small town. The sun shining and the wind blowing. There were children running about the town laughing and screaming, tired mothers chasing after them. Not far out of town in the forest the wind blew, rustling the leaves against each other. A woman walked down a narrow forest path.

One boy and one girl.

They were holding hands.

The woman reached the end of the pathway and saw the two children. "Are you lost?" She asked. She was not given an answer, but was stared at by the two. The woman moved closer and the two stepped back the same distance, although not seeming scared. "Well, what are your names?" She questioned only to receive no reply once again. The young girl looked over at the boy next to her before returning her gaze back to the woman in front of them. The woman sighed figuring it was useless to talk to someone who wouldn't respond. She turned back around heading to the edge of the forest. After a while she stopped and looked back to see that the two children had been following her. She smiled and continued down the path. She looked back over her shoulder and the children had stopped. "Why did you stop?" She asked, turning around to face them. The girl pointed to the forest's edge. "You can't leave the forest? Why?" She asked. The boy lifted up his hand holding out his pinkie. "A promise? You made a promise to someone?" She questioned. The two nodded and walked back deep into the forest. The woman continued to the village and headed for her home. She entered her house and a group of men awaited her return. She sat down and a silence settled into the room.

"So, what did you find out?" A gruff voice asked.

"They won't leave the forest or speak, they use signs. The boy keeps his eyes closed and you can't see the girls eyes because of her bangs. They won't leave the forest because of a promise they made and that all I know" she said nervously.

"You did good woman. Tomorrow the curse will die!" he shouted, standing up. The rest stood and cheered as they left the house. She sat there waiting for the sounds of their voices to leave. Soon her house started to warm up for unknown reasons and soon her house was engulfed in flames. She screamed and cried for help, but her cries weren't heard from anyone in the village. She passed out and burnt to death with her house, her body never to be found.

The Fifth That Was Unknown (Yona of the Dawn FF)Where stories live. Discover now