Back from the dead

Start from the beginning

"Yes, it goes straight to the penthouse. You will need this key to access the elevators" he says and passes me the card

"Thank you" I reply

The elevator doors open straight into the apartment. If I thought the lobby was amazing, the penthouse was even more stunning. Floor to ceiling windows of the whole city and a staircase to another floor. It was crazy. It was also so high up!

"Wow this place is beautiful. David are you sure no one needs this place right now?" I ask still hesitant

"It's been empty for months. Please, stay as long as you need it" he says, placing his hand on my shoulder

I gave him a soft smile. "I'll give you a tour" he says

He showed me around, the penthouse was enormous. We walk upstairs to the bedrooms and I place my bag in one of the two bedrooms. After the mini tour, we walk back down to the living room. We're about to take a seat when my phone starts to ring. I take it out of my purse and see "Liam" as the caller ID. My heart skips a beat, I immediately send it to voicemail. I throw my bag on the floor and sit on the sofa, throwing my head back. David comes and sits beside me.

My phone starts to ring again, and again and I keep sending it to voicemail. But he still calls again. I get so frustrated that I shut down my phone. I hold myself from throwing it across the room-

David sees how angry I was and turns to me

"Alex, I know everything is really confusing right now. I'm still shocked at the news. Ace was my best friend, but I can just imagine how you must feel right now, as his wife. If there's anything I can do to help you, I'm here" he says placing his hand on my arm

I feel goosebumps thinking of everything that's happened. I close my eyes and feel all the emotions come back. I sit up and look up at him, finally breaking, and letting everything out

"David, my dead husband came back from the dead! I don't know how to feel, or think right now. I don't!" I yell with tears

He pulls me in for a hug and just comforts me. I felt comfortable in his arms. He was there for me, and I really needed this right now.

I let out all my feelings to him, how I was feeling so angry, and sad, and just felt lost. After a few hours of talking, we just sat in silence. My head was on his lap as I was lying down. The sun had gone down and there were only the city lights that were lighting the penthouse from outside the enormous windows. He was pushing a few strands of my hair away from my face.

"So what do you plan on doing now?" he asks

Staring out the window and at the busy city, I think of my life before meeting Ace.

"Find an apartment, move in, try to get my old job back at the hospital? I'm not sure, I guess go back to the past" I say

"Why? Alex, why would you go back to the past!? Move into the future. Look at who you are right now. You are Alexandra Anderson. You work at Anderson Tech, infact, you OWN Anderson Tech. You've been the CEO for the past year and in this past year, you have grown into a strong and independent business woman. I've seen how much of a hard worker you are. Don't throw away everything you have built this past year, and go back to your past life. Sure Ace is back, but that doesn't mean you need to leave. You still technically own 50% of the company. Half of everything is yours. Don't walk away from this" he says

His words strike something in me. I sit up and look directly at him

"Mr. David Zay, you are so fucking right. Enough of moving backwards in life, I need to start moving forward. Tomorrow, I'm walking into that office with my head held high." I say

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