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                                                                                        (Y/N)'s POV

I sit with my back against the dirty stone wall, it's icy fingers make me shiver but it's better than laying on the ground with the rodents and bugs. Every day this room seems to get smaller, I've run out of stones to count and the aching in my stomach is getting worse. I usually just listen to the guards' constant banter, talking about how they hate their jobs or what they ate for dinner, it's my only source of entertainment.

I try to brush my fingers through my knotted hair, what I wouldn't give to have even a comb right now. I pull the scratchy potato sack of a dress over my legs, trying to get at least a little more warmth before my toes freeze off. I pace around the room every once in a while, trying to get as much exercise as I can in this tiny cell, even if its not much.

I stand on my toes to have a better view out the small square hole in the wall, in place of a pane of glass there are thick metal bars. The sun is starting to sink into the ocean, its rays glisten over the water, making the ocean look like it's full of diamonds. The blue sky is painted with brilliant streaks of pink and orange, the clouds take the sky's hue, glowing a beautiful mix of bright shades of coral and apricot, showing off the gradient sky as the sun quickly fades into it's ocean bath. I can't help but think back to my balcony, my perfect view and my sweet cup of jasmine tea in my favorite milk colored tea cup. In different circumstances, I would think this is beautiful. I have never seen the sun set over the ocean. I would probably save an image of it in my head if I weren't stuck here, in this tiny cell with bugs scurrying past my feet. I wouldn't be thinking back to the times before I knew him, and got into this, something I don't even understand.

Before I have time to appreciate the end of another day, the sky suddenly darkens, not the usual dark purple with the moon hanging above, but a sickly black and grey rush through, covering the last of the sun before rain begins to pour down and come through the "window". Puddles of rain water fill the cell floor, ruining any kind of heat I had. I huddle into the corner and watch the water trickle down the square hole in the wall.

No one is coming to help me, there is no one TO come and help me. I have no one, the one person I thought I loved lied to me, even if he is the Lee...Zuko I know, he still kept this from me. Tears stream down my face as I realize that I am hopeless, and I will stay here until they decide to let me out, or worse. My head is spinning, thinking about all of the possibilities and none of them involving me getting out. Water covers my feet, freezing them and making me even more miserable. I cry as the water continues to drain in through the window until I'm in ankle deep water. I shiver and try to push the water away from me and laugh at myself for even trying until...


Did I Do that?

I look at my feet, now dry with a little wall of water surrounding me. It's small and hard to notice, but it couldn't be possible without water bending...I'm a water bender, like my father. Only a few seconds after the wall was made it collapses, covering me in water again, but it's enough for me. I now have a way out, a small shimmer of hope. I've been here for days. In this dark, dirty room with barely enough food. I'm done waiting to be saved, it's time for me to save myself.

The Tea Shop-(Zuko x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ