The Upper Ring

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I look out the window of the little carriage, it's still dark out but I can tell the sun is going to rise soon. My heart is pumping with excitement and anticipation. I've never been to any of the upper rings before, I couldn't imagine why someone like me would even be invited. I look away from the window and look down at my hand, it lays above Lee's with our fingers intertwined. His head lays against the window with his eyes gently shut and his breaths deep and smooth. He fell asleep maybe an hour ago, yet it seems like we aren't even close to the wall. I turn my eyes back to the window to gaze at the sky, the dark, peaceful, purple sky clashes with a sudden cheerful burnt orange as I watch the sun peer over the wall, it's vibrant yellow flames paint the sky with brilliant light. I knew the sun would around this time.

I have no idea what to expect to see in the upper wall, I tap my feet, it's a habit of mine when I become impatient, after a while Lee's hand tightens around mine and I look at him."Are you alright?" He says in a concerned tone, somehow reading my mind.

"Uh ya...I'm just nervous," I admit, which he returns with a smile.

"Don't be, I think you're going to really like it there," He says as we get closer to the wall. 

I have only dreamed of getting to pass this wall and see what's on the other side, I imagined money strewn about the streets as people in pure gold silk mindlessly walk over it, like money means nothing to them. I never imagined myself as one of those people, instead, I would be covered in dirt, only wearing a rice sack while people laugh and kick money at me in pity.

The driver shows the guards the credentials and they part the high wall, making the ground rumble as I get a glimpse of the bright emerald green and glimmering gold roofing of the buildings ahead. The carriage rolls through the opening in the wall and the ground is immediately smoother. Beautiful women and men walk tall, donning green and gold silk, I stare at the bright shine they give off like they are covered in real gold and jade, I have never seen clothing so bright. I admire how clean and polished every corner is, even the street looks freshly paved and polished. I notice that there is not a single weapon brandished, instead, everyone looks so friendly and nonthreatening, of course, they don't really have a reason to be. I am simply in awe.

Lee seems amused by my excitement and nudges me jokingly, "I told you you'd like it here," He smirks at me, making me laugh.

The carriage stops at a grand green tea house with a large rectangular fountain in front of it. I step out of the carriage and quickly make my way up the few stairs that lead to the entrance, past the clear blue fountain, and through the large, heavy, red doors. I stare into the clean marble interior and immediately start to imagine where everything would go, sheer green curtains on the windows, a green and gold rug leading customers inside, and large green banners covering the walls. As I keep imagining, a flock of decorators flood in and bombard Lee with questions, I can tell he has no idea what to do, so I quickly jump in and help answer them while Mushi talks to a few of the other decorators.

After the designers are done picking our brains Lee takes my hand and leads me out of the shop and on to the calm but busy street. I hook my arm and his and stare at the shining buildings around me.

"...I've been thinking a lot," I say and look at Lee, he looks back at me but says nothing, waiting for me to continue, "I feel like it's going to be difficult for me to commute here, and I feel like we won't be able to spend as much time together as I want to..." I admit, embarrassed by my own words. Lee stares at me for a moment, expressionless, trying to find a good solution.

The Tea Shop-(Zuko x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang