A low sigh escaped my lips as I looked back up at the smiling man.
"I'm sorry. My headache got the best of me, I didn't mean to yell at you, I know how sensitive you are.." I apologize shamefully as I laid my hands out on the table.

I don't really yell at Alastor. A year with his Father, he was taking out all of his anger out on him. Yelling, abuse 24/7, he got PTSD from that.

"It's alright, dear. I understand your situation in this, it is partly my fault. I wish I could fix that corrupted mind of yours that I caused." He admitted with a small smirk. Alastor put his hands on top of mine, rubbing his thumb on my back hand.

It actually comforted me a lot. It was a warm feeling I kept yearning for everytime we parted ways.

"How about when I get off, we can go hunt tonight?" I suggested with a smile. The second I said that, his face lit like a child in candy store.
"Good Lord, of course! I'll let you get ready, hope you tune in later, darling!" He exclaimed giving me a peck on the cheek, then running out of my apartment.
I let out a soft breath with a smile before finishing my breakfast.


"Finally you're here, (Y/n)" Jonathon sighed out. I took a second to catch my breath as I came here running, I stayed at home longer than I wanted.
"Sorry, I got caught up with something." I excused narrowing my eyes at him. Jonathan shrugged and we went inside the police station.

As we walked inside the meeting room, it was empty. Like the room was just deserted.
I looked to my side at Jonathon who looked confused as well.
"Are you sure the meeting was today, Jona?" I asked him, taking a seat at the table.
He nodded and sat next to me, waiting for the boss.

After a few minutes of waiting for someone, at least. The boss finally came in. Me and Jonathon sat up straight once we heard the door open.
"Good morning you two, sorry for the hold up." Caleb apologized as he closed the door. We told him we didn't really mind waiting, working as a detective has its ups and downs, like, no free time.

"Okay, first order to business. The serial killer case you both work on, I'm sorry to say but..." Caleb paused.
I hope he's shutting down file, this could really get Alastor and I off the hook, for good!
"Well, news came up and.. We found one extraordinary evidence!"

My heart stopped the second he said 'extraordinary evidence'. I had my eyes widen and mouth agape.

This can't be happening... I-I thought we were so careful..

"Yup! We found a shoe and glove at one of the crime scenes. Our men just found them in a bush near the forest!" He chirped, Caleb dug into the file cabinet and took out a bag of, indeed it was, my boot and Alastor glove.

I began to sweat and bite my lip, but not too much to seem suspicious.
"Once our men find the any traces of the killer on these accessories, we'll finally get this bastard!" He laughed, putting the bag back in the cabinet.

"Well, that's basically it. You two are the only ones on this case. You may do whatever with the rest of the day!" Caleb said as he walked out the meeting room.

A laugh came from Jonathon, making me quickly turn to him. "Damn, this could really help us! We can finally close the case and move on" He sighed. My breathing got a bit short as I stood up really fast, so fast that I could've passed out right then and there.

Cʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅ | 𝙰𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚡𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now