A Crack In The Glass

906 28 14

(I was surprised I found a very relatable picture for this chapter :D )

You slumped in your seat impatiently, tapping your nails against the armrest as you continued to listen to Charlie ramble about plans on the hotel, such as renovations, more guests, even an entertainment room for musical demons. Though some you could agree with, you needed to talk with her about the interview. It is only 2 days away now, and you have to get everything prepared before something bad happens. But for now, you could only listen.

Charlie brought out, yet another folder from her desk and pushed it towards you, opening it to a specific page and pointing it to the blue paper. "So this would be the blueprints for the entertainment room, it would take up at least the size of the lobby, but we can arrange it near the back of the hotel so it doesn't really get in the way of everything else." Even if she was your dear niece, you were starting to get annoyed that she didn't even let you have a chance to speak since the beginning. Your eye twitched ever so slightly, forcing yourself to read the document. Hard to admit, she was neat about it and had it all organized by the square feet to the interior.

A sigh left your mouth as you closed the folder and pushed it away from your side of the desk, noticing how she stopped speaking as soon as you did that. "Charlie, if you could let me say this before it's too late, but I have some news." You interrupted in the most polite way that you could without sounding so rude. Charlie raised a brow at you, anxiously sitting straight in her seat, hands folded neatly on her lap and uttering a small, "yes". With her attention, you brought out a piece of paper of your own, your handwriting neatly covering the page that made one thing stand out to her.

"Good, now, I wanted to tell you that I booked you an interview. I'm not gonna say who for now, but it was a pain in the ass to get." You informed lightly, letting her read the paper and taking in the information. You'd hope she'll be excited about it, but she just had an expressionless face, and it made you slightly worried. "We could announce it to everyone in a meeting later today? We only have 2 days to prepare for it." You added with a small smile, still watching her nervously. Her facial expression changed so quickly, that you didn't have time to process what was happening. Charlie bounced in her seat with excitement, smiling as wide as she could. All too quickly, she jumped over the desk and landed in your arms, shocked for a second but melting into her hug, still shaking from how fast she jumped over her damn table.

"Oh my Satan, (N/nnn)!! You shouldn't have! How did you even get it?! Don't tell me you did another deal..!" She bombed you with questions, settling herself on your lap and shaking you by the shoulders. You couldn't help but laugh, watching her freak out as you let her calm down. Her face settled into a stern pout, arms crossed above her chest and horns sticking out of her head.

Sighing softly with a small smile, you patted her horns and leaned her into your shoulder, hugging that squishy body gently. "Char, honey, don't be so worried about it. You have another chance to boost this hotel back up! Besides, if you keep worrying, your baby girl horns will be out all day~" You cooed teasingly, stroking her blonde hair.

You both stayed like that for a few moments before you knew she was calm and back to normal. Soon, both of you finally agreed on calling a meeting for the interview, without Angel this time (but you were sure to tell him yourself after). For now, you needed to get the meeting ready and actually had a chart for and how each person will have a say for the hotel, including yourself, maybe Angel. As you were getting the board ready for the presentation, you felt a presence behind you, so close yet unable to recognize who it was.

Shivers went down your spine as you saw a shadow emerge from the floor. A small smile formed on your face as you noticed the shadow's blue glowing eyes and wide grin. "Well hello, Alastor~" You hummed happily and straightened a paper on the board. A groan was heard from behind you, making you giggle and turn around to see a pouting deer with his arms crossed like a tantrumed little kid, mumbling angrily.

Cʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅ | 𝙰𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚡𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now