Clues, messages, and DRINKS

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[August 21, 1930]

{Y/n's Pov}

"That's all for today, folks! I hope you tune in tomorrow for more news about the infamous serial killer! This is Alastor signing off..!"

I let out a happy sigh and turned off the radio. Alastor has been going so good on-air, he practically didn't need me after 3 years for emotional support.

Actually, these 8 years have been so wonderful! Well, not a lot...

Last year was the beginning of the Great Depression, so many people lost money, their homes, property, finances, and children.

It breaks my heart to see the children on the streets. Sometimes, it would remind me of when I was younger.
I mean, it's been 18 years since I've even been at the orphanage.
I'm 24 and I guess I'm still an orphan but living on my own as an adult.

I'm still seeing Alastor, hard to say this so calmly but, I'm actually helping him with his murders.

That's rights, a few months after Alastor killed that Hunter when we were teens, he told me he had to keep doing it.

His second murder was with his abusive,alcoholic father. Markus was doing what he always do, abusing his family.

One night, Markus thought it would be a great idea to take out his gun and shoot Abigail.

The woman didn't do anything wrong.. She was such a sweetheart. I believe she's in Heaven– No, I KNOW she's in Heaven.

And now, Alastor had to fight back. He got out his shotgun and shot Markus right in the heart. A place where it was just empty nothing.

He still had a craving to kill after that.

As much as I got a bit scared that he wanted to keep killing, I don't judge him.

All in all, he's still the same Alastor I knew.

Hell, he's even a infamous serial killer and radio host!
I'm proud of him for that, he's grown up.

"(Y/n)! Stop dozin' off and get to work!!"
I snapped back to reality as my boss's voice rang through my head.
"S-Sorry!" I apologized shyly. Doing what my boss instructed, I started to organizing the files from the murder cases.

I know it might seem a bit messed up to work with a detective while my best friend is a murderer, but in my defense, it's an advantage!
And such a miracle that my supervisor/boss is working on the rapidly growing murders.

Like, if some kind of evidence comes in and it gets too close to Alastor, I'll sabotage it and everything will be fine.
I'm basically cleaning up his messes, he owes me A LOT.

"(Y/n), who would you think the killer is?" Detective Jonathan asked, the question kind caught me off guard.

I looked back at his desk to see Jonathan there with his feet up, "Uh, I don't really know sir. It could be anyone, the killer is very persistent." I replied, flipping through the file pages.

He hummed tiredly, hanging his head low.
"This person is getting on my nerves..! The only thing we've got from the fucker is his message from last night's case!" He yelled out angrily.
My eyes widen a bit from his tantrum.

Cʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅ | 𝙰𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚡𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now