What now...?

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"Okay so, what are we gonna do? Just leave her like this?" Charlie asked worryingly, her hand running through her blonde hair. Lucifer let out a sigh, his eyes wandering around the body.

"If we have to, yes. She's unconscious." He replied calmly. He sat at the edge of the bed, "There's no explanation of it. We just wait."

As much as it sounds like he doesn't care, he didn't know what to do. The least he could've done was fix up the bruised thigh, to which also had no explanation as well. Most he got were nails digging into them, pretty deep if he had to guess.

Alastor let out a growl as he gripped onto his hair. "We have to do SOMETHING! It's been 3 days now! And this bairn, what about that?!" He shot his arm towards the baby still in the box with Angel trying to feed him.

Charlie covered her mouth with her hand, gaze focused on the little one. "Obviously nothing yet. It shocks us every time we try to hold it!" Lucifer sneered, smile straining. Since they found the child on you, everyone, except Alastor, has been trying to care for it. If he was with you, then clearly he was important. But when Alastor first tried to grab him, shocks ran through his body like a toaster in a bathtub. (May or May not be talking from experience-)

A yelp came from Angel as he sucked on his finger. "Damn it! This forcefield is gettin' us nowhere! How are we supposed to take care of him if we can't even touch him?!" He complained angrily with his hand flapping in the air.

Charlie rushed to him with another ice pack forming from her hand. She laid it on his fingers, earning a quiet satisfying sigh from the spider.

"Maybe if you think about other ways to pamper him, you wouldn't get so many bruises today." She shook her head slowly, patting his arm.

Angel crossed his bottom pair, pouting. "Who knows when he was last fed. Like hell, if ya gonna leave me out of a baby situation." He added sternly.

Alastor let out an annoyed groan as he turned his attention to the bed. You were on his bed, calmly breathing as if you were asleep after a stressful day. Everything looked fine, besides the pale skin and bandaged thigh, okay.

He stepped to the side of the bed, the guilt he felt in his stomach was bubbling. Every time he saw you like this, the voices screamed at him that it was his fault. It was his fault he wasn't there on time. It was his fault he didn't capture the person who harmed you. It was his fault he didn't get to say his true feelings to you.

"Here, let me try." Charlie suggested. She was the only one who hasn't tried to touch the baby as she was too busy trying to figure out what was wrong with you.

"Go ahead, I ain't trying for the next hour again." Angel murmured, he stood up and leaned against the wall. Sure the shocks were annoying him, but this was a baby. He LOVES babies!

Charlie took a quick breath in before slowly guiding her hand in the box. The boy was glancing everywhere insight for you. He has gotten way too comfortable with you spoiling him with love that he was getting scared.

When the tot saw the hand coming his way, he thought they were yours. He let out a giggle and reached up for them. Once the hands were safely attached to the boy, Charlie lifted him up with a surprised look on her face as well as everyone else (besides Alastor.).

Angel let out an irate grunt away from the baby, sad and angry she got to hold him and he can't.

"Huh." Was all Charlie said, quite shocked nothing happened to her. She was even ready for the bolt of electricity. That attention span didn't last long as she carefully held the baby in her arms.

Never in her life has she held a baby unlike you have, although, she has thought about having one, it was not entirely possible with 1 and 1 together as females, but that was still a decision Vaggie had to make.

Cʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅ | 𝙰𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚡𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now