Trust Issues

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(Just to be clear, you're wearing a suit for this short bit, sorry if y'all wanted a dress but I think it's better for this situation.)

{~A few long years ago~}

"(N/n)! (N/n)!!" Velvet squealed as she ran through the hallways. Her faint footsteps quickly entered the living room as her body appeared from the corner and hopped over the coffee table, barely making it across. You sat up quickly and opened your arms, seeing her skit towards you. She collapsed in your embrace as you felt her grip onto you like a scared kitten.

"VELVET!!" Vox yelled angrily as he slipped into the room, catching himself before he crashed into anything.

You raised a brow and frowned in confusion, cradling your small girl in your arms. "What in Hell's name is going on?" He let out a grunt and dusted himself off, standing up straight with a faint blush forming on his face.

"Velvet stole your hoodie... I didn't want it ruined." Vox explained coyly, crossing his arms and looking away, his claws rubbing against the fabric of his sleeves as your gaze covered him. You shushed the clown and rocked both of you in a soothing way, stroking her velvet and pink hair. "It's okay, Voxy. I don't mind that she's wearing it~" You hummed, smiling up at him with calm eyes. He tightened his grip and threw his arms down in a fit, pouting intensely.

"But it was my gift from our anniversary!! I mind!"

A sigh left your lips as you pulled velvet away from the hug, watching her adorable eyes squint at you with sadness. It was always hard disciplining her, but you never backed out. So you put on your most gentlest face and tilted your head to the side, grinning softly. "Velv, sweetheart, why don't you go get one of my older hoodies before Vox blows a fuse, hm?" You suggested while pinching her cheeks like a baby, which she was giggling and grabbing your hands trying to take them off.

"Okay okay!!" She giggled as you let go of her face, letting her jump off your lap and start running out of the room, back from where she had come from.

You looked up at Vox's face to see his angry and stressed expression, you could even hear his fans start to whirl. He rolled his eyes once Velvet was gone and dragged himself to the couch, slumping next to you with his arms still crossed.

"You are so dramatic." You teased with a laugh, scooting closer to him and laying your hand on his arm. He pouted in response, but leaned into your touch, avoiding your gaze. Vox didn't say anything as he just plopped his head on your shoulder, hiding behind your hair and wrapping his arms around your waist. Blush formed on your face as you felt him stuff his screen in your (H/c) hair. You smiled shyly from feeling his flat screen up against your hair, but it wasn't the first time, you loved it when he did it, it made you think that he, himself, is a baby. Vox snuggled into your body and positioned you on his lap, his actions made you coy as he hugged you tightly, not saying a single word.

"Even if the hoodie was damaged, you know I don't really wear those kinds of clothings, darling." You said calmly and laid your hands on top of his, squeezing them gently. Vox let out a sigh, pulling you closer to him. "But I got them for you, maybe it's time for you to catch up with the time, babe."

You didn't respond as you stared at the blue carpet floor, just thinking of trying to be up to date made you sad. You didn't want to leave your own time behind yet.
"I don't know, Vox.. It's been so long, I don't think I'm ready." You leaned back into his chest and settled into his embrace, feeling his breath hit the back of your neck. After a few minutes of silence, you felt his lips peck the nape of your collarbone, his hands starting to move around your stomach and sides.

Cʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅ | 𝙰𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚡𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu