She's A Great Gift

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Hakeem: (calling cookie) Ma.

Cookie: Hey baby.

Hakeem: I need you to come over.

Cookie: For what? I'm busy.

Hakeem: Busy doing what?

Cookie: Busy being grown. What do you need Hakeem?

Hakeem: I need you to come spend time with Tiana.

Cookie: What do you need me to spend with Tiana for?

Hakeem: Cause I thought it would be a good idea.

Cookie: Spill it boy.

Hakeem: Look, Chicken got me some studio time hook up. You know Tiana is on bed rest right now and I can't leave her. But this studio time is only for today.

Cookie: Hakeem I thought you were taking a break from music for a while?

Hakeem: I am but that doesn't mean I don't want to lay down a couple tracks. Ma please? If you don't do it for me, think about your future grand babies and do it for them. Please?

Cookie: Alright boy! I'll be over there in thirty minutes.

Hakeem: Thanks ma. I love you.

Cookie: Mhmm...whatever. (Hangs up)

Hakeem walked into the bed room to see Tiana sitting up in bed.

Tiana: Hey.

Hakeem: I thought you were still sleeping? (Sits on the bed next to her)

Tiana: (rubbing her belly) After a while I couldn't get comfortable. I'll be ready when this pregnancy is over. I never knew carrying two kids could make you so uncomfortable.

Hakeem: They're probably not making you uncomfortable T. You have been in bed for a week now. Maybe you're sick of being in bed babe.

Tiana: I am sick of being in bed.

Hakeem: You only have one more week of bed rest. The doctor just wanted you to relax because you were threatening preterm labor.

Tiana: I know. I just hate that you have to be here all the time. I know there are things that you want to do.

Hakeem: Yeah but long as my baby and babies are straight, I'm good.

Tiana smiles and peck Hakeem's lips.

Tiana: We're lucky to have you. Is Bella still down for her nap?

Hakeem: Yeah. I had just checked on her a few minutes ago. (Tiana nods)

Tiana: (rubbing her belly) You know we have to get the babies's nursery together soon. It's so much to get done in a short amount of time.

Hakeem: Do you think your place is enough room for us?

Tiana: Hakeem I have a four bedroom condo. Bella has her own room, the twins, and us. There's plenty of room for all of us.

Hakeem: Babe your condo is spacious but not spacious enough for a soon to be family of 5.

Tiana: Well you let your penthouse go after the shooting. So.....

Hakeem: We'll look at houses. Babe we need to extra space with two new babies, a toddler, and for all us to be comfortable.

Tiana: I don't know Hakeem. Are you sure this is the best?

Hakeem: For our family it is. Babe come on.

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