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Fog was building up against the window, tiny little streaks of water sliding down the glass creating a little path through the steam. The fogginess seemed familiar, comforting, like his brain had been taken out and put on display across the thin sheet of glass that displayed right next to his tiny bed.

The rain that poured heavily outside mirrored the little steam tracks, they raced against them at a much faster pace winning no matter how much the condensed water tried. You couldn't change what was carved into your fate after all.

It was all rather funny how just a foggy window and rainy day could easily display how humanity worked.

The strong ones are born with advantages handed to them on a silver platter, a promising future full of great achievements would be set in the stone that made up their life path. Praise  showered over them for doing bear-minimum because the people did not care for who they really were, they where only here for the talent, the show.

However the weak ones had an entire different fate ahead of them. From birth the expectations for them where set low and no matter if they had what it took, in the people's eyes you where weak and therefore that is all you where. The gifted either payed no mind to their presence pretending as if you simply did not exist, or focused all too much like you where a young child still learning how to walk or talk despite the fact that you where most likely able to do both perfectly fine.

Those two people where spread across the globe, and although they where all supposed to work together as a nation, the weak and the strong could never be more divided.

Those that acknowledged this did either of two things.
1. They silently accepted their fate as one side and carried on their way through the current of life that was tattooed into their future.
2. They fought, spoke up and preached not stopping until anyone and everyone had heard the truth.

Number two sounded noble, brave, heroic, but the first option was more common and most likely more wise.

Simply put it this way, you could either accept the inevitable and skip years worth of time wasted on contemplation and burning denial. Avoiding the pitying glances and uncomfortable hisses of doubt. Just swerve away from it all towards the easier road where you can take life as it comes slowly and predictably with nothing more than a little discrimination here and there.

Or you could be stubborn, you could scream and holler with those who shared a fire of rage that crackled hot and fierce in your stomach the desperation for a change that'll never come fuelling the never ending flames. Time, money, divinity all wasted in return for blisters, bruises and lost voices. The people you plead to know exactly what you're talking about, they have just chosen not to listen and nothing will change their mind. Yet you still try. Why?

It is a question that not even a billion words could answer, but one action would explain it all.

What side was Izuku on you ask? Calculated, small, timid Izuku? The green haired boy that was told his life was worth less than the mud on his shoe before it had even properly began?

Unfortunately, that version of him is dead, may old Izuku rest in peace.

The new Izuku however, well he was ready to fight tooth and nail until the whole worlds eyes had been opened and the gash that separated the weak and the strong, was stitched tighter than the bullshit etched into his fate.

Heroes huh? Who needs em' when you've got bottle tops that burn.

And thats it for the preview, im honestly just testing the water with this possible fic but proper Chapters will be much longer so stay tuned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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