Pheonix adjusted the rear view mirror and handed me over his phone that was opened to a music app. "You're in charge of the music, Scar."

"Great, now we have to listen to shit music," Luke grumbled.

I whipped my head back at him. "I happen to have excellent music taste."

Jackson quipped back. "That's what people with shit music taste say."

Phoenix let out a laugh that he was trying to hide with a cough but failed miserably.

I sent a glare his way. "Hey, don't you start either, mister."

"I didn't do anything!" He said, giving me a guilty smile.

"Mhm, okay," My head shook as I scrolled through the music. I chose a Harry Styles song just to spite them, but honestly, his songs are pretty damn good.

Ryder shouted over at us. "Hey, you guys want to get Sonic first and then maybe head to Shallows Park?"

We all agreed on the plan and took off down the road.

The warm wind whipped my hair around as we drove. One of my favorite things to do was take night drives, especially in the summertime, when the sky was clear and the stars shined brightly above us.

Once we finished up getting drinks and snacks on our detour at Sonic, we headed for the park we all used to hang out at.

As we were driving, I looked over at Phoenix, whose eyes were focused on the road. His hand rested on the center console with the other on the steering wheel. I swallowed slowly, thinking about how all I wanted to do was put my hand in have his giant hand hold mine tightly. But, of course, I knew how weird that would be if I did that. I'd rather not have things be awkward between the two of us for the rest of my life.

"What's on your mind, Shortcake?" The sound of Phoenix's voice snapped me out of the daze I was in.

"Huh?" I looked up to see him glance at me.

"You looked lost in thought. Where were you just now?"

My face felt flushed as I scrambled to remember how to speak. "Oh..I..uh...I was just thinking about how happy I am that you and Ry are home."

He smiled sweetly, placing his hand on my thigh, shooting tingles all over my body. "I'm happy too. It'll be a good summer."

"Ha...yeah, totally." My voice cracked with my eyes glued to his hand that was still gently resting against my bare skin. I slowly looked over at him, trying to play it cool like I wasn't screaming on the inside.

He stared down at my thigh and immediately took back his hand, probably only now realizing what he was doing. Luckily, we pulled into the parking lot of the park before anything felt too weird.

Phoenix cleared his throat. "Man, we haven't been here in forever."

Way to skirt around the moment there, Nixie.

"I used to come here and make out with Ashley Thompson in the ninth grade," Jackson said proudly.

I turned my head towards the back of the car. "Wasn't Ashley in Ryder and Nix's grade?"

"Yeah," he smirked.

Phoenix's shoulders shook as he chuckled. "Don't let it get to your head though, because I'm pretty sure Ashley made out with a lot of guys here."

Luke's brows raised. "Well, I'm happy to say that I wasn't one of them."

I turned back around, looking through the windshield. "Huh, maybe they should think about renaming it Ashley Park then."

Out of His League: Book Two (18+)Where stories live. Discover now