Sometime later as he was paying for his food, his phone pinged again in his pocket, this time he was sure to look up before indulging in his messages.
Unknown: Heyy
                    It's the girl from the pet isle lol
                    My names Clara btw I can't believe
I asked you out and never even told
                   you my name :))
He smiled and replied.
Dream: Hey lol
          It was good to meet you Clara, my names
         Clay lol
          I'll pick you up tonight for dinner? 7pm      

They exchanged a quick conversation over text before Dream turned on his heel and headed out the shop, back to his car to go home.
He picked Clara up at her house later that night, dressed in a black shirt and jeans unlike his usual hoodie and sweats. They walked a short distance to a local pizza place where they shared a large creamy cheese pizza while holding hands under the table. Clara wore a dark blue dress which made her deep eyes sparkle under the light. Her smile was so pretty to Dream and her accent made his heart flutter. He still couldn't hear where she was from.

They participated in light conversation getting to know each other while Dream ran his thumb over the back of her hand as they joined under the table. They were soft and warm. He could see a pink blush form on her cheeks as she looked down at her plate trying to hide her embarrassment. He took this as a perfect opportunity to seal the nights end with a kiss. The date had been going fairly well and he hadn't kissed anyone in a very long time. He longed for the affection. Dream used one of his hands to tilt her chin up and look her in the eye before looking down to her lips and back again as if asking for consent. She smiled, he took the chance and closed the gap between them softly. The kiss was gently and slow, the kind in a romance movie. But it wasn't what Dream imagined. His first kiss with a girl in years and it wasn't filled with lust, or excitement or even attraction. His heart didn't flutter and his stomach didn't drop like it did in his dream.

God. He was comparing a date with a perfect girl to a sex dream he had about his best friend. He would have been angry at himself for letting the thought of George cross his mind while out with someone but it wasn't the first time of the night he'd found his mind wander to his best friend. His heart throbbed at the thought of it being George's hands under the table which he ran his thumbs along. He felt his face heat up when he imagined it was George that he shared the pizza with, or if it was George who he kissed across the table and walked back to his apartment that night with their arms linked together tightly.

Dream and Clara left each other outside her door that night. She kissed him quickly on the cheek goodbye and thanked him for the evening before turning slowly and closing the door. She lingered against the closed door at first, her hand bawled into a fist against her heart, smiling hugely at nothing in particular before walking to her room and flopping down on her bed to reminisce about the nights events.

Dream however, did not. He turned quickly and left her apartment complex only wishing to go home and go to sleep. He did enjoy the night, yet there was no fire in his heart when he thought of the girl. It wasn't a crush, it was a pity date for himself out of loneliness. It angered him that he'd been so shallow to agree to going out with a perfectly nice girl just for his own personal gain. But he was more angry at himself for thinking about George the whole night.

He couldn't help it though. Her dark hair was the same of George's, her brown eyes resembled his too, though they lacked the warmth and sweetness that the British boys had. She wore a blue dress too, just like George wore his signature blue clothing and her accent, it was near the same as George's. He kicked himself. Of course. He picked the one girl in the world that looked and sounded like his best friend. He wanted to convince himself that it was by accident, but when he really thought, it was too strange to be one. His mind had been so spaced in the store he hadn't really recalled it until now. How he purposely walked close by the girl as she shopped, placing himself close enough by to get her to run into him. How he faked checking a message on his phone while he shopped for cat food for his dead cat that had passed years prior just because he noticed the cat products in her cart.

He staged it.

His psycho subconscious stalked a girl and staged a meeting just because she slightly resembled that of a boy who lived hundreds of miles away from and who he had never met before. It was sick. Dream rushed home, slamming his door behind him and angrily marching to his bed, getting under the sheets without bothering to change. He could see the discord messages on his pc across his room but for once, the desire to talk to George  and the rest of his friends had burned out. Instead it was replaced with disgust for his own mind and loathsome for himself at what he did the the poor girl he spent the night with. It was safe to say Dream never slept well that night.

A/N: This was a pretty good sized chapter this time. I hope you enjoyed it, Clara most likely won't be returning to the story anytime soon but who knows I might decide to bring her back :) don't worry Dream isn't a psycho, it's just his heart, it's full of love and love makes you do stupid things. Yayyy. Enjoy the next chapter!

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