Shoving her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket, Lexi stood beside one of the many fire torches to keep warm. The small amount of heat that radiated from the fire was enough to stop the chills running through her body. As she pulled her sympathetic eyes away from the sad scenes, the sound of laughter filled her ears, something she never expected to hear in a place like this. Turning to look ahead, a smile quickly crawled onto her lips when she spotted the sight before her. Jack was sat on a log with groups of children surrounding him, probably ranging from ages five to twelve. With a torch and a white sheet hanging between trees, he used his hands to create shadow puppets on the sheet. If it wasn't for Lexi's knowledge of his abilities, she would've been more impressed with the accuracy of the animals he created. He made butterflies, a moose and even an elephant. The children surrounding him bursted into giggles and gasps of wonder at the shadows.

Lexi had no idea how Jack managed to keep his head up high in a place filled with death and loss. And to be completely honest, she was jealous. She envied how happy he remained in such a terrifying situation. He was innocent and pure, and it showed in how positive he consisted to be. Lexi knew better than to look on the bright side of this situation, because there wasn't one. Sure, they found Mary, but now they were just as lost as she was. Lexi desperately hoped that Sam and Dean would come to find them, but she didn't have much hope left. However, she knew her brothers well, and they always found a way, but recently she wasn't so sure.

"I like your hair." A sweet voice spoke from beside Lexi.

Turning to look at the owner of the voice, Lexi smiled at the sight of a petite girl innocently staring up at her. The girl was small, barely stood taller than Lexi's waist and seemed no older than eight. Her long auburn hair was styled in two messy braids that cascaded down either side of her head, short curls pulled out at the front to frame her round face. Just like everyone else at the camp, she was covered in dirt but Lexi still managed to make out the freckles that kissed her nose.

"Oh, thank you." Lexi smiled, crouching down to be at the girls level. "I like yours too." She complimented, gently tucking a curl out of her face. The sweet smile that grew on the girls face warmed Lexi's heart.

"You do?" The small girl asked, fiddling with the ends of her braids.

Lexi nodded with a closed smile, "Hmm." She hummed, looking into her large brown eyes, "Very pretty."

The child giggled, the typical little girl giggle that you'd see in horror movies. But hers was sweet and brought a toothy smile to Lexi's face, something that hadn't been seen in a long while.

"What's your name?" Lexi asked.

"Lily." The girl proudly replied.

"Well, Lily, it's nice to meet you. I'm Lexi." She introduced, holding her hand out.

Lily reached her hand forward and placed it softly in Lexi's. Her petite hand looked so delicate in Lexi's larger one. She gently shook Lexi's hand before retreating it and going back to playing with her hair while Lexi placed hers back in her pocket.

"Your friend is nice." Lily spoke up again.

With furrowed brows, Lexi followed Lily's eye trail to catch sight of Jack, a wide smile on his face as he created the shadow of a moose on the sheet. His dirty blonde hair fell over half his face but Lexi could still make out the sparkle in his blue eyes. The longer she looked, the more beauty she found in the sight. Despite the dirt covering his face and slightly in his hair, he was still handsome with a genuine smile on his lips and moonlight bouncing off his cheekbones. Perhaps it was his father that brought out the angelic beauty in Jack, but anyone who had met his mother would know that it was passed on from her. If Lexi were an outsider, she'd still have no doubt in mind that Jack was an angel with the beauty he radiated.

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