Chapter 2

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Drama club... everything was going great... until the shaggy ram joined our drama class. He introduced himself and right of the bat he got himself enemies. He offended all the carnivores calling them... ugly.

I stood up for the carnivores and joined them talking about how he should watch his mouth.

Class started and something unexpected happened. The drama club decided to change up the play a bit. Juno was going to play the role of Alder, and Pina was going to play the role of the victim.

His acting was good I'll give him that. But that didn't mean his personality was getting better. After drama club Els and I started heading to our dorm room when Els told me that she forgot that she had to go somewhere midway and left.

I headed back to the my dorms alone when in the halls I spotted shaggy ram and a girl. They were clearly flirting with each other. I hid behind a wall and listened to their conversation.

"At the end both Alder and I die..." shaggy ram finished.

"Isn't that depressing though?" The girl asked. He shook his head and said, "Well not really. What would you do if I died for you?"

They leaned closer to each other for a kiss and he said, "I love you Riona..."

The girl pulled back before their lips met and said in a very pissed off tone, "Who's Riona?"

I slapped a hand over my mouth, trying to contain my laughter. She got up and left the other way.

"Why does it always end this way..." shaggy ram sighed to himself. I patted the non existing dust off my skirt and adjusted my bag and headed his direction.

"Nice one shaggy ram." I teased as I continued heading to my dorm building. "Hey that's not that nice, now is it?" He said in a pouty tone. I shook my head waving back at him, still headed towards the direction of my dorm and said, "If you aren't even going to be sincere about your relationships, then at least try remembering their names." I said before walking off into the distance.


I arrived at the herbivores dorm building and headed to my room. I opened the door and headed inside locking the door behind.

"Finally schools over..." I muttered to myself as I tossed myself in bed. I changed out of my uniform and started working on my homework. I wrote the last sentence and placed my pencil down, stretching my limbs up, relieving my sore limbs just for a second.

Els walked in, and I greeted her with a smile. She fell into her bed without a second word. She was completely worn out and I understood. "What's up?" I asked her. She just sighed and said, "I got caught up with Pina on the way back. He insisted to get ipdinner with me... and I had no choice."

I slammed my hands on the desk, launching myself up in frustration. "What!?" I exclaimed in annoyance. "Didn't I make it painfully clear to that shaggy ram that you aren't interested?!" I added.

A chuckle escaped her lips as she said, "It honestly wasn't half bad hanging out with him. He's quite the gentleman."

I walked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders and said, "Els... we both know that he's toying with you. Please don't get anywhere close to him anymore."
She chuckled as she lifted her hands in front of herself in defense saying, "It's fine. It was just this once. I don't intend on meeting up with him again." I shook my head and let go of her before saying, "I'm off to bed... I did my homework if you need it..."

She thanked me and said that she'd be as quiet as possible and I reassured her that I'd be fine. I jumped into bed bouncing slightly from the springs in the mattress and crawled up closer to the pillow hugging it tightly before pulling the covers above my head, wishing Els a good night.

She returned my good nights with her own and I drifted off to sleep.

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