Chapter 9

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"Pina you sure changed a lot since dating Y/n." Bill stated on our break time, before we started practicing our scenes again.

"Hmm? What do you mean by that Bill senpai?" Pina asks as he pats his wool with the towel that hung lazily around his neck.

"Waaaa, you didn't even notice? You've become nicer and you softened up. What did Y/n do to you?" Bill asked as he wrapped his arm around Pina's neck.

A faint chuckle escaped my lips as I walked over to Sanu and ask, "Sanu-san? Do you know where Els is? I haven't seen her all day."

He adjusted his glasses before saying, "Oh Y/n. Yeah, Els got hurt today in gym class so she's resting at the infirmary right now."

I thank him before heading back to the group and starting practice again.

Pina was flawless on stage. And obviously so was Juno. The way their movements blend in with one another's. It was truly splendid.

"Cut!" Sanu said. Both Pina and Juno got off stage and got complimented from left to right.

"That was amazing!"

I saw Pina's eyes avert to me, before he gave me a genuine smile. I kind of cringed, but soon grew into the affection I was getting from my fake boyfriend. I stole a glance from Bill as I sighed softly afterwards. I think I was starting to lose feelings for him. That was a relief.


"Y/n-chan, do you wanna hang out?" Pina said as he caught up with me in the halls. He grabbd onto my hand and gently started swinging them around.

"Well, I have to go to the infirmary." Pina's face flooded with concern. If we weren't fake dating, I'd fall for it. He was such a great actor.

"Are you hurt? Is there anything I could do?" He asked as he placed his other hand on my forehead.

"No no, nothing like that. It's just, Els got hurt so I'm gonna pay her a visit." He lets out a sigh of relief before removing his hand from my forehead and asking, "Mind if I tag along?"

"Sure." I said as we headed down the hall.

"Your wool is really soft. I thought it'd be a bit more rough." Pina said as he headed down the halls.

"I use a special conditioner. My wool was supposed to be a bit rough, but I guess you can say I take good care of it and groom myself when I see the need to." I said as I pinched a strand of my long and soft wool.

"I think I'll need a wool cut soon." I said as let go. Pina nodded and said, "I think the shabbyness looks great on you."

I turn to him and playfully start pushing him. Our fingers still interlaced, we keep walking down the halls.


"Els! Why didn't you tell me that you got hurt!" I scold the moment I walk in and see her. She had a nervous and apologetic look on her face. A sprained ankle, at least it wasn't broken.

"Hehe, I'm sorry about that. I didn't wanna worry you. Oh, hey Pina." She added.

He waved at her and said, "I hope you get better soon senpai."

"Thanks." Els said with a smile.

I sat down on a chair near her bed and placed my bag down on my lap and said, "You should get going now Pina-kun. I'll stay here. Don't worry about her."

He nodded before saying, "I'll get going then. Love you Y/n-chan."

"Mhm. Bye." I said before turning to Els. Her face was filled with pure shock. After Pina left, I told her about us dating. I didn't tell her about the fact that we were fake though.

"What about Bill? I thought you liked him a couple days ago." She asked, still shocked.

I nervously chuckle and say, "About that hehe. I liked him, but when you told me Pina could help me, we did council. But then I though to myself, 'why don't I distract myself with someone else.' So here I am with Pina. He was actually kind enough to help me out by dating me. But yea."

That kind of gave it away. "So do you like Pina? That pervert really addresses you as 'chan'. Are you okay with this? I thought you couldn't stand him, and now you guys say I love you? You're unbelievable Y/n." Els finished with a sigh.

"Well... to tell you the truth, I don't like Bill anymore, but Pina..? I'm not sure. He's not as bad as I thought he'd be." I admit. She made a mental note and said, "Why don't you ask him out, like, for real real. Because now you guys are fake dating."

It was like she saw right through me. I rubbed the back of my neck and said, "He wouldn't go out with me. And he's younger, aren't guys into younger girls?"

"You really know nothing about guys do you..?" Els said with a sigh. She averted his gaze to the ceiling and said, "Guys are into older girls. They're apparently more mature and experienced. Although.. I couldn't apply that to you." She said with a short laugh at the end.

"You're so mean. It's not my fault guys can't handle my poof." I say while patting my wool.

"Mmm..." She agreed. "Oh don't you need a little wool cut on the sides?" She added when she turned her eyes at me.

"Yeah! That's what I said!" I exclaim. "Do you wanna go with me on the weekends?" I offer.

"Well, I'd love to, but I think I rather have you go with Pina-kun." She teased. I sighed at her response and said, "He's probably busy though. I mean he still is popluar and the fact that we're dating doesn't stop that." nervously.

She sighed and said, "Well, I'll contact him then." And before I could say anything Els had her phone out, and she started texting Pina.

"Well, done. I sent him the text. Have fun on your little date." I would never get used to her teasing, that's for sure.

Mr. Playboy {{Pina x Reader}}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora