Chapter 4

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"One more time. What is a Life Animal?" I questioned Bill. He thought for a while before saying, "They are nowaday carnivores!"

"Ok, good. Now why were they called Life Animals?" I ask. "Its because they ate everything that was alive!" Bill exclaimed. "And now, what are Natural Animals?"
"Herbivores! They were called Natural Animals because they were very fertile and they were 'natural.'" Bill answered, as well as the answer that I yet didn't say out loud.

"Ok, you're doing great. What was the difference between Life and Natural Animals?" I continued. "The Life Animals were physically bigger and more aggressive. They ate everything that lived, even each other. Natural Animals were calm and collected. They were peaceful and physically weak." I nod and his response and giev him the next question.

"What were the Life Animal's goal for the Natural Animals? A) Multiply and feast on them. B) To join their tribe and become one. C)They thought that they were Gods. D) To protect them." Without hesitation he said, "D." I nodded and asked, "What was the population difference between the two at the time and when did it change?"

"Was it 3.5 times more? I mean the Natural Animals' population was 3.5 times more than the Life Animals, and that changed after? the Herbi-Carni War." He said hesitantly.

I looked down at my notes and said, "Nope, you're a bit off there. The Natural Animals population was 3 times more than the Life Animals, and they became equal after when the Herbi-Carni War started."

He let out a disappointed sigh and said, "I'll need to memorize that one." I took placed my notes down on the table and slid it to his side and said, "Here you can take my notebook."

I picked up my coffee and took a small sip. "Are you serious?!" He says looking at me in shock. I nod and give him a smile. His pupils dilated and my smile grew bigger. "You're so cute when your eyes dilate." I say in a 'boo-hoo' tone.

His eyes dilate even more and I just giggling and he thanks me. "I organized the notes so that it'd be easier to study from." I say as I take another sip of my coffee.

"I really owe you Y/n." He says. I look at him and smile again.

"Well I'm glad I could help Bill." I say as I finish my coffee. "We should get going though, it's getting late." I say. He nods and we start packing our bags and heading out. I thank him for paying for the coffee and told him that I'd pay the next time we hung out.

"I'll take you to your dorm building. It's getting dark." He says looking around cautiously. A small giggle escapes my lips as I say, "This kind of reminds me of how Life Animals protected Natural Animals." A nervous chuckle escapes his lips and I say, "Sorry, that was insensitive of me. But Bill you don't have to hide it, I know that you've been to the Black Market before."

He looks away from me and after an awkward while he asks, "Aren't you scared of me then?" I continue walking and say, "I don't see any value in a herbivore's life. I think we were born to feed carnivores from the start and that this is reality. Nothing more and nothing less."

He looks away and I say, "But that doesn't mean I'm offering myself to you! I cost more than that! And I won't look at the fact that we're friends." with a pout on my face as I treat him with a friendly punch. I break into laughter and he joins me, and says, "You're one of the herbivores I'd never lay a finger on. I'll protect you till the end." with a wide smile.

"Your fangs are really pretty." I say mesmerized. He quickly covers his mouth his hands and starts apologising, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I cut him off and say, "No need to worry, I think carnivores should expose their fangs more often. They're really a beauty and something that carnivores should be proud to have." I spot and he crouches down to my level.

"It's a promise." I say, lifting up my pinky which he takes. Our pinkies intertwine and I say, "You're stuck with me now!" I say. He starts chuckling at my immature behavior and says, "I promise."


Hello, yes. This is still a Pina x Reader. I just want you guys to know that just because something is meant to be (in this case Pina x Reader) doesn't mean the reader can't be with other males. ^^ thanks for understanding. WOOOOO. Happy holidays everyone. Imma start adding more Pinas now.

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