Wrapping Up Dressrosa

Start from the beginning

Me: Hello everyone, this is Kara Fujitora. I have a message to the Straw Hat Pirates, Law, and others who have participated in the war against the Doquixote family. First, we want to thank you for your efforts and support against the tyrannical king; however, you have stayed on this island for 3 days already illegally. It is now time for Dressrosa to rebuild. Please leave the island in the next 30 minutes or we will take action. Thank you.

I heard the Marines start to move and round up the Pirates and get them to leave the island. I guess I should do what dad did last time.

Me: Dad, I'll do the lifting, you do the dropping.

With that, I activated my 1st fruit and the float float fruit and lifted the remains of the war with Doflamingo.

Soon, the very light from the sun was blocked out from the debris and remains of the war, high up in the sky.

Me: Listen up Pirates, I plan to weaponize this debris if you don't leave in the next 30 minutes. Your time begins now

The effect was immediate. Not needing to be repeated twice, the Pirates left Dressrosa without any conflict. Well only skirmish would be when the other filler Pirate crew came from the side and tried to get the escaping Straw Hat crew and his newly formed armada but dad took quick work of that by simply dropping the things I put up for him.

Me: Well, it looks like our work is done. We've got work to do back at Safe Haven, so I think is goodbye dad. It was nice to meet you again as well Sengokgu and Tsuru

Sengoku and Tsuru just smiled. But man, Sengoku really got a lot older in just 2 years. The stress from the Paramount war must have really aged him a lot.

A couple hours later, we were on the Requiem on our way to West Blue to take something nobody used...but also worth trillions without anyone knowing...even our own crew except sis.

On the way, we warned Dragon that his base at Baltigo was leaked by a stray Vivre Card which he thanks us for. In the end, it wasn't needed since they relocated the headquarters to the hidden island of Mycan and used the old place as nothing more than a hideout or an extra storage. In order to prepare a trap for anyone who would dare try, he decided to make the entirety of the place into a death trap. Blackbeard obviously isn't going to like what he hears when news reaches him.

The Reverie was coming up soon and while we were 'invited' up to the Holy City (we always were as a neutral nation), since we were not part of the World Government, we wouldn't be able to make any calls or decisions there. Which was logical, what, did they think we'll go up there and just ordering Kings and Queens around the World to do as I say? Absurd...but that does sound pretty fun.

Something that would be different from Canon would be that Fishman Island would not be sending their people up to the Reverie. As per obvious reasons, they are an Independent Nation and not one that is protected by the Marines. While I am honestly a little worried for them, they'll probably ask us to help and we will if the justification for the war is unjust.

Sarah: At this speed we'll arrive in the hour. But what's so special about here that makes you use your Devil Fruit to this extent?

Me: Private Business, but also very important. Make sure you are always above the clouds, alright? Make sure you are not seen.

I was using my Devil Fruit to make it seem as if we were falling Sideways...towards our destination. Not only that, but I removed air resistance as it was hindering our speed. As a result, the speed at which we were going was nothing short of ridiculous. Imagine falling for a couple hundred kilometers straight without any sort of resistance...

We arrived earlier than Sarah's expectations and we placed ourselves directly above the location. We waited for night to fall before Sis and I descended.

In the middle of the Kano Country was a field of Ice covered Mountains. Under which was treasure stolen, pillaged, robbed from nations all over the World by none other than Don Chinjao. The reason the treasure was even still here was because the Ice was incredibly hard and nobody but Don in his prime with his Drill shaped head could break the Ice and open it.

Me: Sis, it's right under us.

Diana: I know, I can see it was well.

Our logic was...why would you need a drill head to open the ice, when you can just break the entire thing? Of course, there are only a few people in the world which can do that easily but... sis was definitely one of them.


As a trembling white sphere covered her right hand, she took that and punched the Ice underneath, which immediately gave way to the Earth Shaking power. The Ice strained for a moment before crumbling down, unable to hold its form.

Of course, this action would draw attention so this time I used my skill.

Me: *Lightning Speed*

I became Lightning and shot millions of voltage into the pile of metals of all kinds before me. The moment my electricity conducted, It was sent into my inventory.

As expected, most of Don's treasure was gold, silver, or the sorts. By the very next second, trillions of Beri's worth of treasure was secured in my Inventory.

Before the guards even had a chance to come and check what had happened, sis and I were already back up on the ship.

As we started to head back towards Safe Haven, I had the chance to look into my inventory and just marveled at simply how much there was.

Me: Sis...the amount we have here has got to be at least a sizable portion of the World's Gold. We can turn Safe Haven into a financial superpower as well! Finally.

Safe Haven was rich, not to even begin on 'Society' but unfortunately, just like almost every nation in One Piece, it had a major weakness... Beri. Beri is a currency issued by the World Government and managed by their bank. By using that currency in Safe Haven, which is supposed to be a neutral county would be like Switzerland using Deutch Marks (German currency at the time) during World War 2. The influence the World Government would have on our people if they banned trade, set sanctions, or anything would be disastrous. In order to prevent this, we needed to create our own currency...but it needed to be a strong one. One that wouldn't shake or be easily manipulated by the movement of Beri. Unstable currency is worse than having to rely on another currency...but having our own strong one would create a financial standing ground of our own.

To create a strong currency, the government needs someone of worth to back it up. As we can't simply one day declare it and be done with it. That was why we chose to take Chin Jao's treasure. With this, we can finally create a National Bank instead of ones that are issued and work with the World Government. Who knows? Maybe we'll create something like the traditional Swiss Bank here as well?

*ring* *ring*

Diana: Hello?

Minister: Hello, is this Miss Diana?

Diana: What's going on? Is it an emergency?

Direct lines for us weren't meant to be called for light topics. Only a few people have them, and that's including those at the highest echelons of the World Government.

Minister: The Embassy of the Big Mom Pirates and Germa 66 have officially requested a meeting.

Diana: *sigh* Shit's going to go down and I can feel it already...

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