Just as I said that, our ship started to fire upon the factories with lasers that were comparable to that of Pacifistas while sis created small atomic bombs to hasten the process.

Me: See? There is goes. Sorry Doflamingo. It looks like you'll need to reimburse Kaido. Or who knows what he'll do. Also, your actions for doing this 'Birdcage' thing could be an automatic death sentence from me but I'll let the Pirates have their go first. Doflamingo, you have 20 minutes to survive or surrender or it's death for you. Until then, I'll allow this cage to exist. Also, sorry I might've killed a few of your executives by mistake. As in killed, I mean the ones that are not dead will never walk again. They just wouldn't move out of the way you know? Also Peeka, you should sing soprano *click*

With that, I fried the cables and connection so Doflamingo couldn't use it to his advantage. I could feel the relief of thousands of citizens as they knew I was here to protect them.

From the top of the palace came a VERY PISSED OFF Doflamingo. He didn't even wait for Luffy and Law to reach the top, instead he jumped down on them with every intent to kill them. Knowing full well he can't beat me, it looks like he's going to take it out on Luffy and Law instead. Good luck Supernovas, if you guys are about to die I'll step in.

On the other side of Dressrosa was a VERY PISSED OFF Peeka who was fighting against Zoro.

Without the other executives, the remaining Straw Hats easily ganged up on the few Family executives that weren't beat by me and were made quick work of.

Back to Law, Luffy and Doflamingo. Law was completely beat down as Doflamingo continued to pummel Luffy off and into the Streets of Dressrosa. Falling down the long distance.

As Luffy threw Law down to safety, he began to actively push back Doflamingo...or at least it seemed like he was. After a talk between the two that I didn't bother to listen to, I informed Doflamingo.

Speaking as loud as I can while enhancing my voice with my minimal control over sound waves (vibrations are sis's specialty. I control electromagnetism which is also a form of waves, but not sound. So only the bare minimum of that)

Me: Doflamingo, your 20 minutes are up. It looks like you've spent most of that time talking with Straw Hat Luffy and Law. While I'll let you continue fighting with Straw Hat, you can say goodbye to your Birdcage.

With that, I started walking towards one of the ends of the town, people moving away to the side to make room for me as I reached the side.

I coated my hand in pitch black armament before grasping one of the strands of the birdcage.

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