5. Mind If I Come In?

Start from the beginning

“Very funny, Sven. But seriously, what are you doing here so early? My alarm has yet to go off,” I respond, placing the keys back on the counter, switching the on the kettle.

“Sorry, I came to pop in to say hello, wanted to catch you before church,” he replies, following me.

I turn my figure to face him, and give him a scowl, “That is very bold of you to assume that I go to church.”

“I suppose you’re right, sorry for assuming, and my Dad always told me that assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups,” he says, looking embarrassed.

“That, love, is a wise man, and no, I don’t go to church. I’m agnostic, how about you?”

“My Dad was never big on religion, but I was a Christian and later turned into an atheist,” he replies, now standing next to me.

The sound of the kettle interrupts the silence and I make myself coffee, and tea for Sven. Handing him the mug, we place ourselves on the sofa. A familiar set of footsteps enter the living room, who can only be Lizzy.

“Lizzy, this is Sven,” I introduce with the mug against my thin lips. 

“Hello, Sven, my name is Elisabeth, but you can call me Lizzy or Libby, whichever you prefer,” she replies with her all too friendly, melodic tone.

“Nice to meet you, Lizzy. Do you study at Stellenbosch as well?” Sven asks, arching a brow, placing his mug on the wooden coffee table.

“Yes, it’s my last year, actually. If all goes well, I’m getting my honours in Bio-technology this year,” Lizzy replies with a smug grin, heading over to the flask to make her some coffee.

Sven’s eyebrows shoots up in astonishment and a smile spreads across his lips, “That is impressive, wow!”

“I know, thanks! Anyways, I’m off to my room, just came to relieve my caffeine addiction,” she replies, walking back to her room, “Nice meeting you, Sven,” she adds, lifting her mug.

“Likewise,” he responds with a gleam in his eye, but she’s already gone.

“Any plans for today?” I ask, Sven, placing my mug on the counter, placed behind the couch.

He lifts his perfectly plucked eyebrows and turns his posture to face me, “Not really, you?”

“I have an art project to get started on, the theme is ‘Scars Of Society’. Then, I have to talk to Erina and Dwayne,” I reply, crossing one leg over the other, letting a sigh out on just the mere thought of the drama that I'll be faced with Dwayne.

“Who’s Dwayne?” He asks, looking intently at me. I watch as his jaw clenches, and his action takes me aback.

A sigh escapes my lips before answering, “We have a history, things got complicated and I need space from him at the moment. We both need it.”

“Well, I find it weird that you still talk to him. I don’t mingle with my exes,” he responds, shrugging his shoulders.

Why does it bother him? It has nothing to do with him in the first place. I bite the inside of my cheek, contemplating whether that is normal or not. He is just stating his opinion, Sky. Don’t overthink it. I straighten my shoulders and give him a tight nod before answering, “Well, Dwayne is, was a really good friend of mine since the age of ten, I did not want to just write him off like that immediately.”

“Understandable, so what made you want to do that now?” He asks, moving closer, his thigh brushing against mine.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Sven,” I plead, standing up.

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