Start from the beginning

Moving on to the other things.

I want to talk about this topic for awhile now. I don't really know how to say this but i'll just go with this. 
For a good portion of my readers they may not live where I live. 
I want to say that you have to REMEMBER that. You really do. 
I may not live where you live therefore the laws are going to be different than yours. So please don't come at me and say that this law is wrong or that's not how this works because it's probably different than yours, also don't forget that things may be called something totally different than what i have written down. 

For example: (i got all of these examples from google. This is not pointed at anyone im just using these names as a example)

Shopping carts vs. Buggy vs. Trolly
Pop vs. Soda vs. Coke 
Roundabout vs. Traffic circle vs. Rotary 
Crawfish vs. Greyfish vs. Crawdad 
Water fountains vs. Bubbler 
Bag vs. Sack 
And so on. It's completely fine if you don't know what it is and asks me about it, I'm chill with that. 

I ESPECIALLY want to say that the medical care might be different then yours therefore please dont come at me and say that i'm wrong, i'm not wrong, i'm using what my country does and my country laws. I have studied what my schools have given me about other countries' laws but again i'm not that smart in general. It goes in one ear and goes out the other. I'm not that smart but i do know my things. I may not be book smart but i'm street smart. But again I'm using my country's laws and what I have dealt with and dealing with. 

I want to add in also that this is not pointed towards anyone. I want to make sure that everyone understands what I'm saying and what's on my mind. I needed to get this out so there is no more confusion and misunderstandings or even hate. 

Now I will like to talk about what will be happening now. I will be editing my books now. 

I do want to say again I published my older books 2 to 3 years ago. This was me starting to love writing even more than i did before and at the start of my writing the writing was ok for me. I was just starting so I of course was not expecting to be perfect. I'm not perfect. But I know, I really do know that I have improved in my writing. You can see the improvement in my newer chapters and books. 

That's one of the reasons why I feel sad when I find out (because they have to comment on it) that people leave my books when they have only got so far in. They have only seen my stuff from 2 years ago and not now. They will miss out on my newer stuff because they think that I'm bad when yes I was but I really have improved in my work. I think I'm semi good at writing and I'm sad that they are going to miss something good. 

I KNOW my books need to be edited big time, re-reading my books made me cringe and ask myself hundreds of questions. One being a lot of things my haters have said to me. Why post if i didn't re-read them and edit them…. Well again it was me starting off here, i didn't have a working computer that was my own and not my moms, i just had a phone. (AND HELL NO am i writing these on her computer). Using a phone to write was easy but it didn't help with the grammar nor the spelling…. Autoorrect was a lot in play with this. But using my phone it didn't show me my mistakes and i'm not that smart so when i read it and thought it was great i published it. Through the time of writing I had slowly got better at it, but I did need a computer for this and I finally did get one. Now it helps me a lot with editing and seeing all the mistakes I have made. I still use my phone for writing but for editing it’s now on my computer. I'm still going to say that there still may be grammar and spelling errors but it will be way better than a year ago and way better than 2 years ago. 

Another reason why I am stopping and editing my books is because of the hate. Like I know my books are bad and I'm laughing at myself because of them. But again I did this to practice to get better. (and i have)
I have gotten a lot of hate for a lot of things. 
For the grammar, the spelling, how I have written ‘my’ mental illnesses, how my character is and acts, how old my characters are with her soulmates, I have dealt with a lot and I can handle a lot but I do have a breaking point and someone has brought me to my breaking point. This one caused me to feel very sick after it. They had invailed my own and other people's mental illnesses and said some messed up things and i can not-not stand up for them and myself. 

When I edit my books there will be a lot of things changed in them. It will be the same-ish but things will be changed. I'll start here and say that I'm sorry that your favorite parts may be deleted or changed up. Plots may change or stay the same. 

I'm editing the books because I don't need the hate anymore, I don't need them to cause my depression to go even more deeper than it already is. 

I will be making another version of this note for the start of my books so if anyone wants to read and continue to read my old books they could understand that these books are old and bad. (that one will probably made later)

I'm not deleting my old books so others could see the improvement, (it's more for me then others)

The last few things I want to talk about is that I have published a new book out… it's not a soulmate book it's a random and tag book. You should follow it, I may at times post things there. Funny things, videos of things, i don't know. It could be for Q&A. a good portion of it would be for taggs. But if you want to ask questions about me or random things you could go there and ask me. 

Again this is not pointed at anyone in general, i just need to state all of this so everyone knows. Something like this note will be placed in the front of the book at one point.

Again I'm sorry if I sound rude, that was not my intention at all.  

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