Cooper and Prince D X Reader

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Poppy and Branch wanted to take you to visit the funk trolls, they knew how much you liked funk music, so they figured you would like the funk trolls just as much, so they decided to take you. "Y/N, you ready?" Branch asked. "Yup!" You said. You were really excited. You had heard about the funk trolls from your friends and they told you all about them. You were really interested in funk culture. "Let's go!" Poppy said. Poppy and Branch took you to one of the ufos. The UFO picked the three of you up and into the ship. You smiled as you looked around and heard funk music, along with seeing lots of funk trolls singing and dancing. Your bubbles popped and Poppy and Branch led you to the king and Queen. "Hi guys!" Poppy said. They smiled as they saw her. "Hello, nice to see you again, Queen Poppy." Queen Essence said. "You too, Branch." She said. He smiled. 

"Thanks. It's nice to see you too." He said, "who's this?" Queen Essence asked as she saw you. "Oh! Queen Essence, this is our friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Queen Essence and King Quincy. The Queen and King of funk." Poppy said. "It's an honor to meet you, your majesties." You said and bowed. "Pleasure's all mine." Queen Quincy said. "Y/N loves funk music. She sings and dances to it all the time." Poppy said. "Really?" King Quincy asked. You nodded. "She's also really close with one of your sons, Cooper." Poppy said. "Oh. Has she met Prince D yet?" Queen Essence asked. "No." You said. "Would you like to?" King Quincy asked. You nodded. "Cooper! Prince D! We have visitors." Queen Essence called. Suddenly two similar looking funk trolls came out. "Y/N?!" Cooper asked. Prince D stared you smiled. "Hey, Cooper." You said. "What are you doing here?" He asked in surprise. "She came to see the funk trolls." Poppy said. Cooper smiled. "This is Y/N?" Prince D asked. Cooper nodded. "Yup! She's my best friend." He said. "Well, Y/N, I'm Prince D. Cooper's twin brother." He said. "I know. He told me all about you." You said. "Really?" He asked. You nodded. "So you really like funk music, right?" Prince D asked. "I love funk music." You said. "It's true, she does." Branch said. 

"Oh yeah. Despite her being a pop troll, she's all funk. If anything, she's a funk troll in disguise." Cooper said. You laughed. "I wish." You said. "Well, want me to show you around?" Prince D asked. "Sure." You said. You began to follow the twins around the ship. "So how long have you been friends with Cooper?" Prince D asked. "Oh we go way back. We've been friends back when Poppy was still a princess." You said. "Really? That's cool." Prince D said. Although to be honest, he felt a bit of jealousy toward his twin. "So, want to hang out for a bit?" He asked. "Sure!" You said. You spent a few hours hanging out with Prince D. The two of you got along really well. Soon it was time to go. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Y/N." Prince D. "You too." You said. "Can we see each other again sometime?" He asked. You smiled. "Sure!" You said. A few days later, you were walking around Pop Village. "Y/N!" You looked to see Cooper. "Hey Cooper." You said. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Just walking around." You said. "Want to go to Vibe City again?" He asked. "Sure." You said. You and Cooper went back to Vibe City. Prince D was happy to see you again. "Hey, Y/N!" He said. "Hi, Prince Darnell." You said. "Good to see you." He said. "Yeah. You too." You said. "Hello again, Y/N." Queen Essence said. "Hello, your majesty." You said. "Please, call me Queen Essence." She said. You smiled. 

"Hey, Y/N." Queen Quincy said. "Want brings you here?" He asked. "Cooper invited me." You said. The king and Queen smiled. "Aw, look at that. Our son finally has a girl." Queen Quincy said. You blushed a little, and so did Cooper. Once again, Prince Darnell felt that bit of jealousy inside him. "Huh? No, no. We're just friends." Cooper said. "Yeah. We've been friends forever." You said. "Whatever you say." Queen Essence smiled. You blushed a bit more. "Hey, Y/N. I've been working on this new song. Want to help me out?" Prince Darnell asked. "Okay." You said. Prince Darnell smiled. "Come on." He said. You followed him to another room. Cooper watched, and felt a bit of jealousy as well. "So, I was thinking of doing this song, but I don't want it to be just funk." Prince Darnell said. "What do you want it to be?" You asked. "Well, I was thinking... of making a hybrid." He said. "A hybrid?" You asked. He nodded. "So like, half funk half something else?" You asked. "Exactly." Prince Darnell said. "That sounds cool." You said. He smiled. "Thanks. I was actually kinda thinking that... the other half could be pop." He said. "Oh? And what gave you that idea?" You asked. He blushed a little. "I've... just grown a bit more found of pop music recently. That's all." He lied. "Really?" You asked. He nodded. "So, will you help me?" He asked. "Of course! I love writing songs!" You said. He smiled. You and Prince Darnell worked together on the song for a while. "Your voice is beautiful." Prince Darnell said. "Oh. Thank you." You said. Then Cooper walked in. "Hey guys. How's the song going?" He asked. "Great." You said. 

"Hey, Y/N, the funk trolls are about to do some singing. Want to sing with me?" Cooper asked. "Okay." You said. You and Cooper sung a few songs together with the other funk trolls. Prince Darnell watched in jealousy. Then he realized, he was jealous of his twin brother. Queen Essence and King Quincy both began to notice the little love rivalry between the two twins for the F/C pop troll. Which began to worry them. They knew how well they used to get along, and they hoped that this little rivalry wouldn't turn into something bad. The two decided to talk to them about it. "What's up?" Prince Darnell asked. "Yeah. Why'd you call us in here?" Cooper asked. Queen Essence sighed. "We... we've noticed something going on with the two of you." She said. They looked confused. "What is it?" Prince Darnell asked. "Well... it's about that pop troll." King Quincy said. Their eyes widened. "You mean Y/N?" Cooper asked. They nodded. "Look, it's clear that you both like her, but she can't be with both of you. And even if that is true, there's still plenty of other trolls out there. We just... don't want you two to fight over her." Queen Essence said. The twins looked guilty. "We know how well you two get along, we just don't want that friendship to fall apart over another troll." King Quincy said. 

"We... may both have... a crush on her." Prince Darnell said. Cooper nodded. "I was just jealous because Cooper has been with her for a lot longer than I have. I wanted to spend more time with her." Prince Darnell said. "We understand. But don't you think it's more fair to see who Y/N wants to be with instead?" Queen Essence asked. The twins looked at each other. "Yeah." Prince Darnell said. "We're sorry, mother." Cooper said. She smiled. "It's okay. And hey, even if she does choose one of you other the other, you can still be friends with her." She said. Prince Darnell smiled. "That's true." He said. "Want to go see her right now?" Cooper asked. Prince Darnell smiled. "Sure." He said. "We're going to go visit Y/N, mom." Prince Darnell said. Their parents smiled. "All right. Just be back in time for singing." She said. "We will!" Cooper said. The twins left and went to Pop Village. You were walking around when the twins called you. "Y/N!" You looked to see the twin brothers. "Hi guys!" You said. "What's up?" You asked. "Want to hang out with us?" Prince Darnell asked. "Of course!" You said. "We were just about to do some singing. Want to join?" You asked. They nodded. You sung with Cooper, Prince Darnell and the other pop trolls.

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