Branch x Creek's sister reader

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Ever since your brother Creek had betrayed the trolls, everyone had been pretty cautious with you. They were afraid that maybe you would be more like your brother and betray them too. But you would never do that. You loved the other trolls with all of your heart, and you would never turn your back on them like your brother did. And ever since then, you had hated your brother with a burning passion. And if you ever saw him again, you would give him a piece of your mind! The only troll that wasn't cautious about you was Poppy. However, that didn't surprise you. Poppy knew that you were different from your brother, even if the others didn't. At the moment, you were taking a walk around the village. Some of the trolls looked at you nervously or would try to avoid you, but you ignored them and continued walking. Suddenly you heard someone. "Hi (Y/n)!" An energetic voice said. You looked and saw Poppy waving at you. You smiled and walked over to her. "Hi Poppy." You said. Poppy hugged you. "How's my friend doing today?" She asked. "As good as usual. You?" You asked. "Well, I had a little talk with Branch, and I was thinking maybe you two could hang out with each other." Poppy said. Your eyes widened. "What?! Poppy, that's a terrible idea! No offense, but Branch hates me!" You said. "(Y/n), that's not true." Poppy said. "Yes it is, Poppy. He won't even look at me whenever I come over." You said. "But you get along so well with everyone else, I just want you and Branch to get along too." Poppy said. "I only get along with you and the snack pack. Everyone else thinks I'm like my brother. And so does Branch." You said. "Well, we can change that!" Poppy said. "I don't know if we can." You said. "Well I do." Poppy grabbed your hand. "Come on, (Y/n). Please?" She gave you puppy eyes. "Don't give me that look!" You said. But she continued. "Ugh! Fine!" You said. Poppy smiled and hugged you. "Yes! Thank you, (Y/n)! I just know you two can get along!" She said. You chuckled nervously.

Time Skip

Poppy walked you over to the rest of the group. Once everyone saw you, they all smiled. All except Branch. He just turned away. "Hi, (Y/n)!" Biggie said. "Hi." You said. "Great to see you." Cooper said. "Thanks. You too." You said. "So, Branch." Poppy said. He looked at her. "Yes, Poppy?" He asked. "I was thinking that you and (Y/n) could spend some time together today." Poppy said. He looked a little uncomfortable with the idea. You frowned as you saw how unhappy he was. "You want me to... hang out with her?" He asked. "Yes!" Poppy smiled. "Uh, thanks, but no thanks. I'm busy." Branch said. "With what?" Poppy asked. "I need to um... water the flowers." Branch said. Poppy chuckled and brought you closer to Branch, and he backed away slightly. "Well then, (Y/n) can come with you!" Poppy said. "Poppy, I can do this on my own." Branch said. Poppy sighed, then went to talk to Branch privately. "Branch, I don't understand why you don't like (Y/n) so much. She's a nice troll." Poppy said. "Poppy, you can't trust her. She's Creek's sister." Branch said. "Well that doesn't mean she's Creek!" Poppy said. "Please, Branch? Just spend one day with her? Who knows, maybe you two have more in common than you think." Poppy said. Branch scoffed. "Yeah right." He said. Poppy glared at him. "Look, Poppy. If I trust her, she's just going to stab me in the back like her brother did. I'm not doing anything with her." Branch said. "Yes you are, because like it or not, you're spending the day with her." Poppy said. "What?!" Branch asked. "Branch, just give her a chance! Just because her brother betrayed us doesn't mean she will! Creek and (Y/n) are different trolls!" Poppy said. Branch knew that she did have a point there. He sighed. "Okay fine! One day!" He said. Poppy smiled, then hugged him. "I love you, Branch." She said. He smiled. "I love you too." He said. Then he sighed and walked over to you. "Come on, (Y/n). Let's go." He said. You only nodded, and followed behind. Poppy gave you a thumbs up as you turned to look at her.

Time Skip

"So, what do you want to do?" You asked. "Doesn't matter. Just pick something." Branch said. "Okay..." You thought about what to do. "Want to take a walk in the woods?" You asked. "Alright." Branch said. You and Branch were taking a walk in the woods together. "I love nature. It's so beautiful." You said. Branch didn't say a word. "Don't you think?" You asked. "I guess." Branch said. "I heard you like to come out here to get supplies for your bunker." You said. "That I do." Branch said. "How long have you lived in your bunker?" You asked. "Since I lost my grandma." Branch said. "Oh." You said. "Yup. I've lived alone in that bunker ever since." Branch said. "Poppy told me that you used to refuse to come out of there. Guess I'd understand. After everything that happened." You said. "You don't understand anything, (Y/n). You don't know what it's like to lose someone close to you. So stop trying to find something to relate to because you don't. You don't relate to any of us." Branch said. "Branch, what is your problem? I'm just trying to be nice! Why do you hate me so much?" You asked. But he didn't answer. "Is it just because I'm Creek's sister?" You asked. He stopped walking. "Just because he's my brother doesn't mean I'm like him! I'd never betray you or anyone in this tribe!" You said. "Who says you wouldn't? Because your brother did. He sold all of us out to those Bergens!" He said. "Yes, HE did! Not ME! When are you going to realize that we're two different people?" You asked. "Never. Because you're family. Which means we have every right to be suspicious of you." Branch said. "I don't think you do!" You said. "Well I do!" Branch said. "You know what? I have no idea why Poppy forced us to be together. I HATE YOU!" You said. Branch looked surprised. "This obviously isn't going to work out like she wanted. So you know what? Screw you, Branch." You said. You stormed away.

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