Start from the beginning


To be fair, Disney spoon-fed me a lot of crap.

The answers I sought might have had something to do with the older man beside him, standing tall and unamused. Their resemblance was uncanny, save for the man’s bushy beards and hardened features.

Nothing about him was the least welcoming.

Nevertheless, I stole one last glance at comic boy before I pulled my reluctant feet forward and stretched my lips into a smile that was more of a pain in the ass.

“Good evening, gentlemen. How may I help you?” My steady tone was impressive. A well practiced facade, while I cracked my knuckles nervously.

Scratching his beards distractedly, the older man had his hawk-like eyes all over the exteriors of our house with the same scowl that must have been the natural imprint of his face.

“Is this the Matthew residence?” He asked gruffly. Dark eyes finally focused on me and my stomach churned in discomfort.

I take it that he wasn’t a man of pleasantries. Noted.

“N-no? Maybe - Any problem sir?”

“Problem, you say? Not at all.” He reassured. “Today is Frank’s promotion party, yes? I’m here to congratulate him, dear.” His hand gestured to comic boy’s arm and he grinned emptily - a fracture to his natural features. “We brought flowers.”

My frown returned. Wait-

He knew about the dinner?

No one outside Daddy’s circle knew of the dinner. Well, at least no one outside his circle was supposed to know.

“Sir, maybe I should speak to my Dad fir-”

My words were cut off and I almost fell back as the rather disrespectful man shoved pass me and walked right in casually. Like it was his mere right.

Rude much!

As much as my glare fired at him, I was careful to keep wary eyes on him. He could be a serial killer for all I knew.

“Sir!” I started, taking a calculated step closer to block his path.

His eyes scanned the interiors of our sitting room slowly, a sneer crawling up his features.

“I apologize, Grace.” He sent me that chilling smile and my brows shot up. Wait- “I’m sure Frank wouldn’t mind an extra guest.”

And just like that, he pushed pass me again and made his way to the dinner room. Without my directions, might I add.

Great. A serial killer is in our home and he knows my name.


My eyes snapped to the door. Comic boy was in as well, the muck from his black converse staining our white tiles as he stalked after his father. But not before he dumped the flowers in my hand wordlessly.

What was wrong with these people? Walking into someone’s home like it was just another trip to the mall.

I rolled my eyes, slightly irritated as I threw the flowers to one of the couches. Perhaps the night couldn’t get any worse.

Without any more sulking, I dashed quickly to the dinner room, in hopes that I could get there faster. But who was I kidding?

By the time I had burst in through the decorative double doors, all eyes were already on the two new additions.

They both looked out of place in a room full of people adorned in their best garments. Maybe the slightly worn out denim jacket and black trousers Comic boy wore was his best too, or his father’s tie-less black suit. Who would know?

𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐄𝐃, 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀Where stories live. Discover now