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You guys bought the house about a week ago and today you were gonna start moving in. You went to your moms and got the rest of your shit. You made sure you mom was not home. Maria told you to stay in the guest room in her house instead of with all the boys. You agreed so you've been there for about a week and a half. Vinnie and you both have gotten really close. You have movie nights all the time it's really fun. You guys started to pack up your stuff and get it ready.

•moms house•

You made sure your mom was gonna and you snuck in you still had your key so you were not breaking in. You went upstairs and got all your stuff that you wanted or needed. Next you went to your moms room to get your keep sakes like photos,stuffed animals and stuff like that. You got all the stuff you wanted from the house and then left. Ya you did really miss talking to your mom but she never even let you explain. You left a note on the counter.

The note

Dear mother,
Hey it's sienna,well me and the boys bout a hose together and me and the old group have made up. I miss you but I'm still mad at you. You didn't even let me explain. When you want me to I will but I don't think that will be for a while. Me and Vinnie are doing really good. And well I think I like him like really. I mean I've liked him since 8th grade and you've known that. I miss you mom and well if you want to come and see me here the addy *****. I love you mom please come visit me.

                          Love Sienna<3

•new house•

You packed all your stuff into your car and Vinnie put his stuff in his car. You drove up to the house with Vinnie following you. The boys were gonna come later but you and Vinnie wanted to get there and pick your rooms before all of them. You still haven't really talked to angel but you never talked to him. You guys got up to the house and the gate opened. As you got to the house you parked and got out. Vinnie got out as well. You started to run to get to the house and pick your room. Vinnie started to chase after you. Both of you were laughing. As you guys got upstairs you both went into rooms right by each other.


You walked through the bathroom and saw a door you opened in and there was Vinnie.

You:looks like we're sharing a bathroom. But it's big
Vinnie:haha ok it's fine I like this room anyways. Now let's go get our shit.

You both went out to your cars and grabbed your stuff. You needed to buy a lot. Like a bed frame dressers and night stands. You started to stack boxed on each other and walked into house. You have gotten pretty good at moving. You have moved a lot. Well before 5th grade.
You and Vinnie have both gotten all of your boxes into your rooms.

Vinnie:want to come to IKEA with me
You:sure I'll just leave my car here.
Vinnie:ok come on.
You:k I'm coming.

I get to Vinnie's car and he starts it up. I wish Vinnie would ask me to be his gf or even take me on a date I mean we both said we liked each other. But he's probably changed his mind. It's fine though I've gotten used to it. You decided to post on insta bc you haven't in a while.

Siennagomez posted

Siennagomez posted

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
I'll be there for you~ Vinnie hacker حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن