I stepped backward until I feel my back on the wall. I get on my knees and sobbed.

" Sweetie!!!!"

" Uwaa! Uwaa!"

" Uwaa! Uwaa!"

The baby's cry is in unison with my sobs.

The nurse who did CPR on her sadly shook her head.

" I'm very sorry sir..."

I can clearly saw papa's face right now as he removed his mask.

His brown pupils are shaking so much as if he's gone crazy.

" No... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




What the-

The place changed...

Now it's the...


My father's carrying me as a baby, and my sister's crying her lungs out while hugging our mother's urn.

And here I am... standing beside them and can do nothing but wet my cheeks.

My father hugged the baby Jade and said " Mother gave her life for you, I will protect you with my life..."


The place changed again

And it's the worst place...

A hospital again.

I'm in the hallway, and I can see my sister hugging me tightly while crying and sitting on a bench.


This is the time when papa died.

" He left already, now it's my turn to protect you, little brat. sob....sob...."

It seems like my eyes are sucking all my body liquids and make them tears.

" Sister... It's my fault t-that mama died... and now...p..papa's gone... I'm sorry, sister...."

The little me cried her lungs out too.

"No... it's not your fault! Please, don't blame yourself....sob...sob...."

You're always saying that, but you can't change the fact that my mother died while giving birth to me. And it looks like I'm a stroke of bad luck to the family...


This time, it's my elementary school. I'm standing at the playground where there are lots of children my age...

The little me is sitting on a swing, alone.

But a few boys approached me.

" Look at her, she has no parents..."

" Hey you, I thought all children have parents, wow, how unlucky."

" Let's stay away from her, she has bad luck..."

" Right..."

But you guys approached me, idiots.

The little me clenched her fists and stood confidently.

" You shits..."



Wow, I learned those words at this age? I never knew.

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